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"Hey, Kai?" I whipped my head around to see Nikki in the doorway. She looked sad as well, but she was trying to hide it.

"Yes, M'lady?" I respond as I normally do, and slowly slide myself off the windowsill. "I told you you could call me Nikki. You don't have to call me 'M'lady'". I shook my head. "You needed something?" Totally ignoring her statement about me calling her Nikki.

She sighs and smiles softly. "I wanted to do something for Wil, for the fifth anniversary of..." She trailed off.

She snapped back to reality when I tapped her shoulder. "You know. The fifth anniversary. Would you happen to have any ideas on what I could do?" I looked at her in awe. She was asking me? Why me?

"Have you thought about painting him something, M'lady?" She nodded. "I just wouldn't know what to paint." I sat on the stool next to the door. "Um, what about the Lord Wilbur and Tommy standing before the walls of L'manburg as one of them raises a flag?" I watched as she raised her eyebrows at me.

"How do you think of these things?" I shrugged. I got a lot of thinking time when I wasn't with The Lord. "Thank you." She said, then she quickly ducked out of my room and ran down the hall.

I could hear her boots hit the floor as she ran down the stairs and out the door. I climbed back up onto the window sill. "I just hope she doesn't run into the Lord." I looked around out my window.

"The Lord!" I frantically looked around trying to find him. Sure, I let him have his privacy, but I still always knew where he was! "Aw common!" I yell as I jump from the window and run out to the hall. "Where could he have gone?" I talked to myself in fraught. I scrambled down the stairs and out the door running aimlessly in a direction to find the Lord.

"My Lord!?" I scream, running as fast as I could down the dirt and wood path. My heart was beating faster than it had ever beat before. If Lord Wilbur got captured...

I pushed the idea out of my head as I ran faster and faster. Pushing myself to move against the wind. The only place I could think of finding him was at the village library. If he's not there I'll have to find Tommy and Tubbo.

I sprinted up the steps of the L'Manburg Library. A library filled with all the knowledge and history of L'Manburg. I could see out of the corner of my eye people giving me weird and unhappy looks. Sure I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, but The Lord was missing and that was more important than those old ladies' peace right now.

I swung the door open, causing it to hit the shelf behind it. The guy behind the front desk looked at me and put a finger to his lips. "Hey you." I said walking up to the counter. "Shh!" He whispered harshly. "I don't care about your stupid policies. Where is Lord Wilbur, did he come in here?"

The guy behind the counter rolled his eyes irritably. "No. He hasn't come in today. Why?" I shook my head. "Not important at the moment. See ya!" I yelled and ran back out the door. I could hear the guy unhappily 'shh' me again as I got to the steps. I tripped almost falling down the steps, but thankfully catching myself and heading off towards Tommy's house.

My mind was in chaos. If I couldn't find Lord Wilbur, I'd be kicked out of my position as his guard.

I got to Tommy's house and started banging on his door. When he opened his door he looked annoyed. "Tommy!" "Kai what do you want? I was just working on a-" I pushed him into the house and then followed. "Hey! What the hell!?"

"Tommy, I'm going to tell you something and when I do, you aren't going to freak out. Okay?" Tommy furrowed his brows. "What did you do?" I stuck my hands nervously in my pockets. "I may have... lost Wilbur." Tommy's eyes widened and he took a few steps towards me. "You. Did. What!?" I flinched, I knew he wasn't gonna be happy but honestly, he's kinda scary.

"How!?" I sighed and explained how Nikki asked for my help and I got distracted helping her. "I looked out the window again and he was gone." Tommy started pacing around the living room.

"We need a plan." He says, kicking at his carpet. "What if we got Tubbo and some others and started a search party?" He shakes his head. "The less people the better." As he turned to me I could see exactly, just how worried he was. "It's just gonna be me and you."


Hiya! Hope you enjoyed :)

-K <3

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