Sweet Surrender

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Yo gave the spoon hovering in front of his face a deadpanned look. "I'm not eating that."

"Just try it, Yo. You might like it."

"Mmhmm. You said that about the foi gras two days ago. I nearly puked it back up."

Pha just moved the spoon closer to Yo's mouth.

"I'm fine with my ratatouille," Yo mumbled. The shyness was eating him alive. How could Pha be so daring as to feed Yo from his own plate every time they came here??

"Please? Just one bite?"

Yo refused to look Pha in the eyes as he obediently opened his mouth. What am I, a dog? He could instantly taste the white wine in the sauce drowning the black mussels. They were chewy. Yo wasn't a fan of chewy. He made a face at Pha, yet still forced himself to swallow. "Keep your food to yourself."

Pha chuckled. "Don't like it, hm?"

"No," Yo said bluntly, taking a huge bite of his ratatouille to get rid of the taste of those icky mussels. In addition to the ratatouille, he had asparagus vinaigrette, wild mushroom crepes, roast duck, and a vanilla creme brulee. He was well able to eat everything Pha had ordered for him...he just didn't want to. He knew with his mostly sedentary lifestyle, he'd end up gaining back the weight he'd lost in middle school, and he hated the idea of being chubby again.

Except when he complained to Pha about it, that only triggered the older guy into practically force-feeding Yo more every time they ate together. Yo was stunned. Pha wanted him chubby??


Yo ate the last bite of his dessert, sighing softly as he placed his fork down on the table. He was very full. And sleepy. "Yeah..."

"I bought some anime the other day," Pha mentioned as they walked to his car.

Yo was instantly wide awake. "You did??"

Pha had a small smile. "Yes. I was wondering if you'd like to watch it with me, but since you look so tired-"

"I'm not tired!" Yo widened his eyes at Pha, trying to appear more awake. "And it's the weekend tomorrow. I can sleep in."

"...you're spending the night?"

"It's anime!" Yo huffed as if that explained everything.


Pha couldn't take his eyes off Yo. The younger guy was so animated while watching the latest episodes of Naruto. Pha knew he'd made the right call to order the DVDs and put a rush delivery on them. Seeing Yo so happy and relaxed really made Pha's day. Or night. Whichever.

Except when Pha came back from the bathroom, it was to find Yo had managed to find the hidden stash of wine and had a full glass in his hand, taking slow sips from it while his eyes were glued to the TV screen. Pha frowned and took the glass, pretending Yo's soft, displeased whine wasn't doing things to his insides. "No. No drinking. You're underage."

Yo poked his lower lip out in a cue pout. "So? I've done it before. And P'Beam drank with me that one night."

"Yeah, and you showed up on my doorstep with the hangover from hell," Pha dryly reminded him.

Then Yo did something Pha would never have expected in a million years. He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, tilting his face forward so he was looking up at Pha through his eyes lashes, shy and pleading. His cheeks were flushed a delicate pink, the alcohol already affecting him slightly.

"I...said no," Pha kept his voice firm. He couldn't help his gaze dipping down, drinking in the pale skin showing. The top three buttons of Yo's uniform shirt were unbuttoned, tempting Pha to the limits of his control.

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