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Rough hands caressed down your waist and onto your thighs. His lips pressed against your neck as he sucked at the skin on the most sensitive spot.
Your hands wrapped round his back, feeling every muscle tense as he ground himself into you.
You ran your fingers up to his hair, giving a gentle tug and hearing him moan in response.
You felt his hands dip lower, sliding across your centre, making you gasp, his fingers moved to penetrate you, your back arching as he-


You shot up, rolling over in a tangled mess of your sheets. Reaching for your phone you saw the time.
SHIT. You'd slept through two alarms and were going to be late to work.

Throwing yourself out of bed and into the shower you hurriedly washed and dressed, pulling your hair up and putting on the first clothes you could grab.

Grabbing your go bag and keys you ran out the door, slamming it behind you.

You drove to the BAU in record time, running up the stairs and into the office. Throwing your stuff on your desk, you looked up to see the rest of the team already in the conference room.

They all turned to look as you rushed into the room, Garcia pausing mid power point.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I know I'm late it won't happen again I'm sorry!" You gushed, aware that you were out of breath and probably bright red from all the stairs.

Morgan smirked at you from across the table, Spencer gave you a sympathetic smile. Hotch however was looking at you with steely eyes.

"That's the third time you've been the last to arrive Y/N. Do you have an excuse this time?" He waited.

"Well Sir I..." You trailed off, realising you could hardly say the reason you were late was because you were having such an intense sex dream you slept through your alarm. "I overslept, I'm sorry."

Hotch looked at you, his expression unreadable, before sighing "Do not let it happen again Y/N, I mean it. Have a seat."

You nodded, flushed now from embarrassment as well as running.

You smiled back at Spencer as you took the seat next to him, and he leant over to you "Not to make your day any worse, but your shirt is on inside out."

Fuck. You looked down, today was not your day, all because your stupid horny subconscious couldn't keep it together.


After the briefing, Hotch told everyone to get ready for take off.

"Hold on a minute Y/N."

You paused, this wasn't going to be good. You got on well with everyone on the team, but Hotch was the one you were least close to. It wasn't from lack of trying, every time you caught him in a conversation or ended up alone together, you just felt like he'd rather be anywhere else than with you, which hurt considering how much you looked up to him.

When you'd first joined the BAU you'd even had a few inappropriate thoughts about him.

Something about his stern demeanour, his authority whenever he walked into a room, and his suits- you were a sucker for a guy in suits- made him attractive, but you'd done your best to quiet those thoughts when it was clear he didn't feel the same.

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