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Even though you promised yourself you'd talk to Hotch, you hadn't had a chance to chat to him since the whole car-sex-situation.

A new case had come up, and you'd all spent five days in Texas, whirling through investigations, theories and eventual capture of the unsubs.

Surprisingly it wasn't as awkward as you'd thought it would be with Hotch. The intensity of the case meant that you were all focused on solving it, rather than each other. You noticed you didn't end up one on one very often, but when you did speak it was almost as if nothing had happened. Almost.

You did find yourself lingering near him, or staring at his hands a moment too long. You weren't the only one though, several times you caught him glancing over at you, his eyes drifting over your legs or your cleavage a moment too long.

The fact that you'd slept together a second time fortified that it wasn't just a crazy one off thing, or that you'd made the whole thing up, but you still had no clue where this left you with Hotch, if he wanted it to continue, or never speak of it again. You secretly hoped it was the first.

You didn't have much time to think about it though, the case was intense, and once it was finally over all you wanted to do was get back home to your own bed.


"Damn it!" Your outburst made the others in the bullpen jump.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked.

"I signed my name on the wrong part of the report again." You groaned, "God I can't get anything right, I might as well quit now and move myself into a retirement home." You threw your arm over your face dramatically, the others laughing.

"Ooh I know! I have the perfect cure for Friday blues" Garcia piped up from where she was perched on the edge of Morgan's desk. "Let's have a girls night! Some drinks, some dances, some gossip!"

"Oh I'm so down for that." Emily agreed.

"I need a night away from the boys. Plus I have a bottle of gin that needs drinking!" JJ piped up.

You thought about it for a minute, you were exhausted, but if you went home you'd spend the whole time sitting thinking about Hotch, and you hadn't had a fun time with the girls for a while. "Okay let's do it."

"Yay! I'll host!" Garcia squealed.

"Woah woah, we're having a girls night and I'm not invited?" Morgan spoke up "Come on baby girl, you know I'm your ride or die! Us boys need some fun too right Pretty Boy?"

Spencer looked up, "Well I did actually record a documentary on aerospace engineering that I wanted to-

"Oh come on, you're telling me you'd rather play rockets than hang out with these beautiful ladies on a Friday night?!" Morgan laughed "Let us come too baby girl, we can be as much woman as you need for girls night." He grinned.

Penelope looked round at you, JJ and Emily "You know I can't say no to him guys, and someone has to save Reid from a night of boring boring math documentaries!"

"Actually aerospace engineering uses physics as a basics far more than maths, although the basic fundamentals of each subject are-

Emily cut Spencer off before he could start rambling about physics. "Okay! You've convinced me, they can come, we'll have a girls night plus Reid and Morgan."

"Yes!" Morgan drummed the desk in victory "I'll bring the tequila ladies." He winked, getting up from his desk.

"You'll come right?" You asked Spencer, pulling on your coat. He hesitated for a moment. "Come on Spence, you always cheer me up, plus aerospace engineering will be waiting for you when you get back."

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