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The sound of your ringtone punched you in the head.

You groaned and rolled over, picking up the phone and glancing at the time.

"Hello?" Your voice sounded like you'd eaten a pile of nails before bed. Your head didn't feel much better.

"Y/N" Hotch chuckled into the phone. You sat up in bed, why was he calling you?

"Hey, what's going on?" You tried to sound casual, like you hadn't fallen asleep in your clothes from yesterday and woken up with your head spinning like a tornado.

"We have a case I'm afraid. I'm sorry to call you all back in on a weekend, but Miami PD needs our help with what could be a serial killer."

Fuck. Of course that's why he was calling, not to have a chat.

"Right, sure. I'll be there in an hour." You sat up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. Your head spun and you groaned.

You heard Hotch chuckle on the other end of the phone "Rough night?"

"Something like that." you muttered back. "Oh and don't worry about calling Spencer, he's here with me so I can just tell him we have a case."

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and you thought for a minute that he'd hung up.


He cleared his throat, "Right, I'll see you both in an hour." Before you could respond he hung up.

What the hell? That was abrupt. You assumed he was just going to call the others and wake them up, you were pretty sure they were all going to be in similar states to you.

Rolling out of bed, you headed to the living room to see Spencer fast asleep on the couch, his limbs sticking out in a way that couldn't be comfortable. The piece of bread that your thrown on him last night was still on his head.

You gently shook his shoulder, trying not to laugh at his protests as he tried to roll away. "Spence I'm sorry, I wouldn't wake you up if I had to but Hotch just called, we have a case."

"Another one?" he muttered from underneath the blanket.

You sighed, stretching out your back and listening with satisfaction as your spine cracked loudly. "Afraid so. Turns out serial killers don't care how hungover we are. I'm gonna jump in the shower, can you put on some coffee? I'll drive us there, we can swing by your place if you want to grab a change of clothes."

Spencer only groaned again in response, and you laughed, heading back to the bathroom to shower.


After downing two cups of coffee, three glasses of water and two ibuprofen, you headed straight to the air stip with Reid, stopping briefly at his place so he could grab his stuff.

Walking onto the jet, you were pleased to see the others were in as much of a bad state as you and Spencer. Emily had dark glasses on and was leaning on Morgan's shoulder, who had his headphones on and eyes shut.
JJ was also wearing sunglasses, gripping a mug of coffee like it would save her life.

It was times like this that you envied Garcia, able to shut herself away in her bat cave and hide, not jump on a plane and go catch a killer whilst your body still tried to process the alcohol from last night.

Rossi stepped onto the plane after you. "My God, what happened to you all?"

You all groaned in response and Rossi laughed, shaking his head.

"You'd have thought you all would have learned to handle your alcohol by now, but it seems it's not murderers and psychopaths that can defeat you, but vodka and tequila." he smiled at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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