New chapter

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Long time no see huns sorry I haven't updated it's just that no one was really reading this and I was busy The only reason I'm writing this is for my one fan @CrystalCuteYT they have commented this story many times and it has constantly made my day. Anyways let's get back to the story

Izuku POV
After the day had ended I was pretty tired of pretending to be a fake person. So I decided to go back to our super secret Villain base in an undisclosed location. When I arrived I just heard screaming and shut the door. "What the hell!!" I screamed outside the door. "I guess I'll go to the grocery store" during the day I had agreed to go to a party and we all agreed to bring some food dish to the party. I decided on making cookies because Toga and I make them a lot. On the way to the grocery store I see a familiar face. It was Todoroki and his girlfriend Yayorozu they were close to making out but both seemed to not want to even. I walk up to them and say hi. "Oh hey Nakamura what are you doing here?" Momo asks. "Oh w-well I was on my way to the grocery store to get some stuff for the party" "oh crap I have to go also do you mind if I come with you?" Todoroki asked. Though I could tell he just wanted to get away from Momo. "Sure!" I responded.

Todoroki POV
Finally I can get away from her. I think as I walk with Nakamura. It was a comfortable quiet and neither of us minded that. Nakamura seemed deep in thought until we got to the grocery store. I just stared blankly at him spacing out into his pale shite skin and big grey eyes. Wait somethings not right I don't remember his eyes being grey before.

Sorry this chapter is so short just wanted to get something out there since I haven't updated in a while. Anyways next chapter will be mainly about izukus/Nakamuras past and how he ended up joining the league of villains. It may get pretty sad so if you don't like that then I don't recommend reading it. So ya

~bye huns~

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