Ch.1 "A normal morning to us"

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Just saying im new to this sowwy >-<

Kamanari's P.O.V
6:30 AM Monday at Denki's house

I woke up to my alarm going off in my ear next to me. I jumped up standing on my bed in a fighting stance. When i realized it was just my phones alarm i sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed and grabbed my phone to turn the alarm off. When i turned my alarm of i noticed a text from Kirishama.

Kirishima and i have been friends since 2nd grade which was when we first met. Kirishima was a loner while i was a social butterfly. One day it was lunch time and i saw him sitting alone with his lunch box. I decided to sit beside him and did exactly that. He looked at me with a confused face. "Hi, Im Denki Kaminari!" I said to him with a big smile on my face. "I know...everybody knows you" he said to me while looking the other way. I could tell he was annoyed to see me even tho we never personally met eachother. "What's your name?" I asked him with now i slight smile instead of a big one. "And why should i tell you?" He said while looking at me with an angry face. "I-I..." I didn't know how to respond so i stupidly hugged him or so i thought it was stupid. "W-What are you doing?" He asked me with a shaky voice.
"hugging you?" I said with a questionable tone. "This is a hug?" I stopped hugging him and just looked at him. "You never got hugged before?..." "N-No" He responded looking away from me with a sad expression. "YOU POOR SOUL!" "I'LL GIVE YOU ALL THE HUGS AND LOVE!" I said while i pulled him into a tighter hug then before. He giggled and hugged me back. And from that day on we became best friends. Heck, When he wanted to dye his hair red he called me to do it. It was messy but his hair turned out great!...or even beautiful.

This is on Kaminari's phone

🔥❤RED RIOT❤🔥: Hey Kamibro!🤗 Should i come to your house or you come to mine?🤔

We always come to each other's houses in the morning.

LIGHTNING-BOLT⚡: Hey Kiribro!😄 I'll come to your house today bro😗

🔥❤RED RIOT❤🔥: Alright! See you in 10 👊✌

⚡LIGHTNING-BOLT⚡: See you in 10!👊✌

"Guess I should get ready" I say as i get off my bed and head to the bathroom.

6:52 AM

I walk downstairs to see my dad cooking breakfast and my lunch box on the table. "Good morning dad!" I say as I walk over to the kitchen counter. "Huh? Oh, good morning Denki" my dad says when he turns around to face me. "Im gonna take breakfast to-" I get cut off "Eijiro's house?" My dad finishes my sentence. "Yep! You know it!" I say with a big smile on my face. "I bet your mom would be so happy to know that you and Eijiro are still friends" My dad says with a calm voice. "Yeah..." I say.

My mom died when i was 7 she got ran over by a truck...on accident of course.

I grabbed my breakfast and my lunch and waved bye to my dad as i walked at the door and headed to Kirishima's house.


Im sitting down at the dinner table as i eat my breakfast like always. I check my phone to see that it's 7:12 so i get up and run to the door as i hear 2 knocks a pause then 3 which means that it's denki!

I open the door to be greeted by a blonde/yellow headed boy with a black streak shaped like a bolt on a piece of his hair.

&quot;I'll still love you...&quot; Hanahaki disease Krkm and Bkdk (unfinished story) Where stories live. Discover now