Kindred Sparks

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uwu I need some soft grimlock content lol. So some fluffy Grimmy for all then. :3 


You always wondered why this massive bot that was always so strong and frightening, not one to back down from a fight... could be so soft and gentle. 

Now you weren't complaining about the tender manner his servo ran down from against your neckcables and stroked lovingly over your chassis feeling the warmth above your spark. Breath hitching softly you shivered as his claw tips stroked faintly against your transformation lines. 

You had met Grimlock a long time ago, when he was younger and more reckless. A muscle for hire, while you had been a middle man who hooked those who wanted the muscle for hire to said muscle. He was different back then, like he was more.... empty helmed would be the best way to put it. Like he was only functioning at the base level living only for violence.

Taking a soft vent you began to open your chamber exposing the most tender part of yourself to the large mech. His baby blue gaze widened as though in awe at the bright glow from the spark humming away in it's opened chamber, he stayed like that for while half like he hasn't sure what to do half he was just admiring your spark.

You always have found Grimlock's optics to be the most telling part of him, he always looked so sad. It was something that you could relate too, that deep below the cold and sharp exterior there was just a scared little sparkling who needed to be held and shielded from the storm thundering above you.

"Are you sure...?" The mech spoke barely above a whisper his sad optics searching your own for any hesitation for this.

A smile parted your derma a little as you ran a servo over his strong chassis. He pressed heavily into your soft touch as you stopped at the center of the dark green metal. Tenderly you circled your digits over the humming of his spark deep within the strong bot.

"With every fiber of my being." 

Growing closer than you intended with the dinobot was a small (large) problem, especially since you had to willingly send him out into dangerous situations so he could do his job and your client was happy. It pained you whenever he returned looking worse for where, sure he was good enough at hiding it, but in private he allowed you to see his pains, both outsides and within, he trusted you. Maybe a little too much, but as much as you hated to admit it, you trusted him too, a little too much.

The bright grin that broke over his features made you laugh warmly as he quickly leaned down to cover your cheeks in big sloppy kisses, the sign of affection you found adorable, albeit a little annoying to wipe away the dampness, but you loved it none the less.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked between each kiss to your face

"Well you warmed me to the world." You chuckled gently pushing his helm away, "Now show me." It wasn't a demand, but a need, both of you needed one and other, now more than ever.

The gentle baby blues lidded a little a serious flooding them as he nodded a little before letting the sturdy armor platting begin to part with a faint hiss.


It was odd really you never thought you would relate to one of your mercenaries as much as you did with Grimlock, it felt as though you both had been walking the same path parallel one and other and only met at the fork in the road. Where both of you had stopped to rest for awhile, and became friends, no, it's something deeper than that, deeper than mates even. It is as though  both of you were born for one and other from the start of creation. 

You weren't disappointed about that.

Your frame arched up suddenly when Grimlock's spark had come to meet your own. A moan broke through your derma as your servos found purchase on his helm drawing him even closer to your frame. You craved his contact, and he was more than willing to provide as his large arms slid under you fulling you flush to him. His warm frame was a relief on your oddly cold one, like all of the heat from your own frame had been transferred to the meeting of sparks. 

A squeak left you as your frame was jolted when he gave a firm rut against your panel. He was quick to apologize in an embarrassed manner against your neckcables, causing a soft chuckle to leave you as you gently shushed the mech with a stroke down to his shoulders.

"It's only understandable for you to want to have me completely, because I feel the same my dear." You breathed 

Eventually your feelings came to a head when Grimlock did not return from an assignment on time. It wasn't something that was uncommon you had bots die all the time, but your reaction to the news that Grimlock had not returned gave you a reaction you hadn't had in a long time. It was a complete mental and almost physical breakdown that left you inconsolable, not that you had let anyone see you like this. 

Well that was until Grimlock had finally returned almost ten days late to find you slumped against the wall. The poor bot had to duck as you whipped an empty high grade bottle at him and broke down yet again, this time it was a mostly drunken fueled ramble of your feelings and worries, you even tried to fire him at one point too, not that it really came across that way.

Grimlock didn't know how to feel at the time, he was.. surprised maybe? Relieved? But right then and there as you tried to throw something else at him in an emotional drunken stupor he swore to himself and vowed to remain loyally by your side, to defend you from the thunderous rain in your helm and the pain in your spark. In your emotional drunken stupor you vowed to yourself never to put this mech in direct harm again and help him heal, both wounds physical in nature and mental. A mutually beneficial  relationship if two wandering sparks tied to be with one and other from the start.

Another cry tore from your parted derma as your servos struggled to keep their hold on the mech relentlessly rutting into you. Just like everything else on this impossibly large mech his spike was no disappointment. It left you dazed and unable to manage any other competent thought other than the feeling of being spread open by this mech.

He replied to your lovely sound of pleasure with his own excited croon as his hips sped up their thrusting as his arms wrapped tighter around you pulling you even closer to his hot frame. Your spark was still out and flashing in time with his own, the bonding having long since completed but neither of you wished for this moment and the warm feeling to stop, not yet.

"Grim~" You managed between excited whimpers of bliss, "I'm... I'm c-close!~" 

The dinobot didn't respond as he kept up his pace nuzzling deeper into your neckcables his optics closed to fully take in the moment, the feeling, the smells, the sounds. He wanted them all committed to memory so he could never forget this moment of closeness with his bonded. 

A loud gasp broke up your whines of bliss as you came down around his spike, to which he was quick to follow your lead and emptied himself inside of you. With a few more shallow rolls of his hips he stilled inside you. What happened next didn't surprise you much, but it did break up the loud panting, it was his lovely purrs.

You weren't sure if it was common among dinobots, but Grimlock's purr was unlike any you have heard before, it was less of a sound from his throat and more of a sound that rumbled from deep within his chassis and shook his plating gently. It was a calming sound you would never get tired of hearing.

With a soft sigh of bliss you spoke, "I love you My Bonded."

You were rewarded with that wide crooked grin you loved so much, "I love you too!~" He purred even louder as he began to roll his hips once again, "And I'll show you just how much I love you!~"

Well, so much for getting at least some rest before morning.

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