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I feel that in the eventful year and generation we live in, there are disgraces now in what used to be traditional. I feel that in the eventful year and generation we live in, there are disgraces in the beings that we are and what we used to be. In this eventual year and generation we live in, people have rose out of those disgraces and brought a better sight to them.
There are woman with short hair and men with long. There are men who cry and woman who pull themselves through. There are people in this world who feel broken and finished but yet there are others who feel strong. I pose one question to you and that is this: Where did we lose this sense of care and compassion and the remembrance that who someone is doesn't matter in the end? It just doesn't matter. In the end we all will turn up dead. We'll all end up in the same state of mind sooner or later and that is deceased. So why take something so small that can be changed and twisted and turned and make them feel like they will never be the same person or even human ever again?
A girl who has scars or a boy who cries because his mother dies? Who have we become to where we only see the outside of someone and don't stop to feel with them the core of their situation? Learn about the struggles and the gains that one has and have a little generosity to those who feel as if they have none. The only real thing you can give someone when you feel as if you can give them nothing, is share a little piece of your mind and make a little something. Tell someone who feels less than others that she is beautiful and free to this world we call mad. Tell someone who doesn't feel good enough to anyone that he is a blessing and that anyone would be lucky to have him as a friend; so you make him yours.
Why are we so broken when life has only started? Children are dying and mothers are crying because their once baby bird has flown from the nest, and fallen. This sad and alone bird doesn't feel like they need to keep trying. But try and try they will to only reach their goal and that is to be loved once again. Why are we so drunk with the idea that you have to be loved to go on and live and experience all that has been given to you? You were a choice; a decision someone made whether it was your mother, your father, or God. Someone decided you were the one and if that isn't a feeling that wakes you up in the middle of the night saying ¨I can accomplish all that I set my mind to do.¨ then I don't know what will.
When did we lose the days when kids were out until the street lights, waving goodbye to who they thought was there bestfriend, telling them they would see them the next morning? Now all we get is a text and we turn our phones off when the battery goes out. Now the next morning and girlfriend or boyfriend or best friend or someone is even lucky if they hear from them the next morning. We don't know who's going to go anymore because we've created a fucked up society where kids don't see the glory in living as a whole but who they're living for. This is the true definition of blind. The true definition of blind as stated is what truly sets the bar for who lives and who does not. There is so much to life and you will see some day but child it takes patience.
Patience. Something we don't have anymore. Where is the new phone, where is the new technology, where is my new partner, where is anything? Where is anything in this delusional world we have called home. Why call it home? I pose a new question to you and that is this: if you were to leave home because of said problems or for freedom, how are we supposed to leave this world we call home for said problems and freedom? There is no where else to go s I tell you this: Make the world somewhere you would want to run away to. Make the world somewhere you would want to live and feel as though you have no boundaries and ties anchoring you to the solid Earth.
I shall pose a new question to make your mind reach its peak of wonder: what is the definition of freedom and perfection? When did we decide that one way was the perfect way? When did we decide that freedom was real and that there are no boundaries? Life is one big boundary. You can't do whatever you with with complete freedom because death could rise as your outcome. Life is a boundary itself. Don't cross the very boundary that has held you so close to stay in and enjoy it. No one has good days all year long. No one has bad days all year long, but if you do, my friend please reach inside that pretty little mind and tell me. I'm begging you to tell me what it is you love. What makes your eyes dart and heart race? What excites you and makes you glad you're alive? What do you want to do that sounds like it would be a good time? I pose those questions to you with a helpful thought: Whatever it is that you set out to do, make sure you do it with passion. Make sure you do it with love and make sure you do it with a mind as sharp as a tack.

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