Not Out of the Woods Yet

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"Ok, how about this?! What does Attila say when he walks through his front door?"


"'Hun-ey! I'm home!' Get it?! Cause he's a Hun and so he calls his wife...mwah-ha-ha...snort, snort."

Shang rolled his eyes and barely restrained himself from groaning aloud at Ling's rather pathetic attempt at yet another joke. Mulan and the other two laughed just enough to appease him but it was pretty obvious they were feeling just like Shang did. About ready to shove a sock in Ling's mouth.

"Or how about....!"

"Ling, scout ahead and make sure the way is clear." Shang ordered and practically heard the inaudible sighs of relief from the others.

"But...isn't it Yao's turn? I'm pretty sure I did it last time."

Thinking fast, Shang responded, "It is Yao's turn but he just told me that he's feeling the beginning of a charley horse coming on. I can't have him cramping up out by himself while scouting now, can I Yao?"

Yao froze for a moment as all eyes turned on him, then Shang raised one eyebrow pointedly and he realized what he was supposed to do. Letting out a miserable groan he grabbed his arm and said in the most pathetic voice he could manage,

"The pain keeps gettin' worse, Captain. Reckon I won't be able to move soon."

"Wait a minute! Don't charley horses start in the leg?" Ling exclaimed.

Shang shot a glare at a sheepish looking Yao and answered Ling through clenched teeth, "Generally yes, but Yao's have always been a little odd. They tend to start in his arm and then move to his leg."

"But..." Ling started, looking confused, but Shang's patience had come to an end.

"Ling! As your Captain I am ordering you to run patrol! Now GO!" He barked.

"Yes, Sir!" Ling yelped before setting off at a brisk jog to put some distance between himself and his irritable Captain. He had no idea why the man was in such a bad mood but maybe that's how high status military men reacted to a war victory?

Shang sighed and felt some of the tension drain from his shoulders. A familiar black mount drew even with his white and his attention was drawn to the rider at the sound of a soft, feminine laugh. Mulan sent him an impish little grin when he met her gaze.

"How are you holding up, Captain?"

"Was he seriously like this the whole time we marched?" Shang asked incredulously.

"Pretty much." She answered with another delightful little laugh, "Just don't get him started on women and you might survive to reach home."

Shang let out a theatrical groan and this time he earned a full out laugh that had Mulan throwing her head back in joy. Shang basked in the sound.

When Shang had asked if he could escort Mulan home, this was not the scenario he had imagined. The Emperor, however, had insisted on a proper armed escort for his new favorite warrior and had volunteered Ling, Yao and Po to join the duo. Effectively crushing Shang's hope of having a little privacy with Mulan to try and determine where their relationship stood. It had only been one day and already Shang's patience was wearing thin. He would get his chance to speak with her alone if it was the last thing he did! As it was, at least he got to enjoy her company in a less structured environment. She was gradually loosening up around him again and had appeared to forgive him for everything he had done and not done, at least...he hoped that was the case.

They had been riding slowly and taking frequent breaks due to his and Mulan's injuries. Because of this, they hadn't made as much progress as Shang had predicted. Which wasn't the worst thing in the world in his eyes. It meant he got to spend more time with her, after all.

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