Chapter 3 - Bonus scene

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Chapter 3 - Bonus scene 

AN - So for those wondering how Felicity got Oliver back to Thea, here's that little scene! ;) 


Thea wasn't finished yet and in her anger she lashed out. "You protect the ones you love, huh, Ollie? Don't want them to get hurt? What about Felicity? Want to watch the video again to see her being hurt because of you?" 

Oliver sucked in air as if absorbing a punch but his reaction was concealed by Felicity's own much louder response. 

"Noooo." That it was Felicity's half growling, half groaning in response forced Thea to focus on her instead of Oliver. 

Diggle was similarly pained by the accusation and he quickly put himself between the siblings both to shield Oliver from view and to possibly keep him from doing something he would regret. 

Oliver didn't react further, he kept Felicity in front of him and pushed her through the door without looking back. 

Felicity somewhat stumbled down the stairs as she felt Oliver right behind her. At the bottom she stopped and turned to face him, unsure of what she would do or how to help him deal with Thea's unfair attack. What she didn't expect to see was Oliver's smile and it momentarily blinded her in surprise. 

Thinking he was encouraging her to speak, Felicity still tense with worry and dread, rushed to gather her thoughts but it took her a moment. In that time, Oliver just continued past her and tossed his words casually over his shoulder.  

"So do we have any new info on the shipments we are tracking?" 

"What?" Felicity barely managed to stutter. She stared uncomprehendingly at Oliver.. 

Oliver turned and again with a smile, replied easily. "The shipments from Coastal City? Remember the intel from Lance? Check and see what's happened."  

As Oliver then continued on to grab some arrows and start the processing of sharpening them, realization crashed through Felicity. This was his blank playboy smile and smug, entitled rich brat tone. He wasn't the cold vigilante but this was just as much of a mask. Pain sliced through Felicity as she realized just how far away he was, even though he was just across the room. 

Felicity just snapped - later analysis wouldn't shed too much more light on her thoughts and motivations either, but at that moment, she simply felt and those feelings were hurt, anger and a healthy dose of fear. Acting on some instinct she wasn't fully aware of nor one that she could understand, Felicity simply acted. 

The pop signaling the opening of the first can of tennis balls elicited only a slight stiffening of Oliver's shoulders. The following four pops warranted no response; however, the sting of the first ball to hit his neck did garner an immediate response even as the second one flew by his shoulder. 

With a low growl, Oliver spun, lowering into a crouch and seeking cover even as he sought to not only identify the threat but to remove it. 

Felicity didn't pause to celebrate her victorious shot but instead changed position herself so that she could continue her attack with the last ball before launching the can itself. She quickly moved to grab her next stash of ammo. 

Seeing the window of opportunity, Oliver stood and moved stealthily toward her before stopping suddenly. As her target was frozen in the open, Felicity managed to make direct contact with Oliver's face and another even hit his chest before the third ball and another can missed her target. 

Felicity's aim was compromised by the tears she wasn't even aware of...had she been able to see clearly, she would have seen to the second when Oliver snapped back to attention and truly saw her - not a threat, not a useful tool but a friend, his friend, his Felicity. Instead Felicity moved onto the next can and didn't even hear Oliver's whisper of her name. 

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