D pov

damn I was fucked up. I thought when my face finally came into my view as I looked in the mirror. The girl looking back at me was fucked upppp.

I grabbed alcohol, Neosporin ,peroxide, and some cotton pads and got to work on my face.

After i was done I put eye solution in my eyes to help with my vision and then I took a hot shower.

Exiting the shower I made my way to triggers room wrapped in a towel.

When I was standing out side the door I heard him on the phone talking to who I assume was ace.
"Ight imma see you then"

He hung up and I knocked on the door hoping to get some type of clothes.

"wassup" he said opening the door looking my face over

"I uh need clothes"

"ohh yeah" he jogged over to his dresser and pulled out some sweats and a hoodie. I smiled in response grabbing the clothes making my way back to the bathroom.

Once dressed i put bandages on my face where needed and dressed the buries around my eyes. I put my hair in two braids. After cleaning my face up I didn't look as bad.

I walked out and my throat ached right on cue once I saw ace, he looked stressed out. He was talking with trigger and I guess they didn't see me enter giving me more time to gather myself.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. They both looked at me and trig being to speak

"girl if you don't just say hey or sum you not the queen of england" he caused us to all laugh and it felt so good

I walked over to the chair that was at the table and started to feel heavy.


"explain." he said bluntly and I guess I deserved it

I placed my hand over my heart, took several deep in hopes to clam my self breaths sadly it didn't work and I just started to talk.

"Okay. A while ago my moms was very sick, like could die any day type sick and I needed money. Fast money. I was already somewhat involved with them because of unrelated issues-"

"which were"

"It's truly unrelated" I said looking up up as his cold eyes gazed back at me and to be honest it shattered my heart.

"I truly don't know that." he was being so cold towards me it left me feeling so unsettled

"okay so like a year or two ago I was walking home alone and a man tried to rape me ironically he saved me and helped me out here and there and in return I dropped things off like drugs for him or help with people who got hurt."

"Back on the topic though he left out of town and his next in line took over, he was opposed with me and had people follow me yet by this time i was out of the gang. He found out about my moms illness and used that against me. He said that if i got close to you and got you to somewhat trust me and give them information they would help out with the cost of the bills if not they would kill my whole family in front of me. They even gave me address to my moms house, sisters schools and dads jobs so."

I stopped to take a sip of water and forced the tears that threatened to come out back in and I calmed my self.

"I did just that for the first couple of times we were together but after around 2 months I started avoiding them and giving false information. And if you don't believe me wherever my phone is you can check it. It's all there all the messages."
"So lately it all caught up with me. I knew it was a matter of time but I didn't see the point in doing the job anymore. Mom was getting better somehow. And I was falling-"

I stopped before I said the word love was this love?

"I didn't want to do what I was doing anymore. Then they called me in and that were you found out and the rest lead us here."

I finished and I looked down playing with my hands

"how yo moms is she safe?" ace asked moving closer to me

A year slipped out my eyes before I could speak I quickly wiped it away.

"I-i don't know. Health wise yeah she amazing" I smiled thinking of it
"but safety wise I don't know I don't know if they made good on there threats and I can't go over to see them because I can't risk someone following me. So i try and call but I just don't know." I was full on crying now I prayed that it would all work out.

"yo she not lying" trig said as he was going through my phone reading and re reading all the threats they sent me to ace. I looked up and saw his face soften as his eyes met mine I looked away as he read the messages. I felt aces eyes stare at me hard core.

Then trig stoped causing us both to look up. He started to play a phone call that some how was saved on my phone.
"So ace has a lil brother"
"what are you talking about I told you he was an only child."
"Well bitch you told us wrong. let me find out you lying-"
"i'm not he's the only child the boy you say him with yeah that's uhh that's a lil  boy that's mom is an addict his trying to help the lil boy out nothing more nothing less."
"so the lil boy is not blood."
"no blood is shared between them"
-end call-
Next call started
"You telling us lies about this nigga fr and you making us look dumb ill kill yo ass bitch."
"how did i lie?"
"you said he was doing a drop and guess what he's not"
"my phone must have sent the text late."
"nahh bitch this ain't the first time shit like this happened but it damn sure better be the last."
-end call-
Voice mall playing
"Come down to the trap we have business to discuss."
-end voice mail-

"why did you lie to them?" Ace asked still looking at me  his gaze softened a bit

"I knew you could protect yourself but I never wanted you to be put in harms way, despite everything despite if you don't believe me I do care about you and your well being and although you can not trust me I get it I really do, but just know I do care for you deeply."

"ace truly" I said as my voice cracked and his eyes grew watery as he got up and left.

-2 months later-

Every since the whole thing went down. Me and ace broke it off. My old boss was killed right along with all his man. My family was safe and I myself was in the process of moving.

I sold mostly all my things, took all my money out the bank along with all the money I had saved from my trap days.

I had a lot of money because of it. I had already purchased an apartment were I was moving.

I had a job working in a bakery/coffee shop. I was going to live a very simple life. No gangs,No problems, No Ace.

Nothing hurt more than the thought of me and Ace not being together but I knew it was for the best. I was still in heavy contact with trigger and we were
really like brother and sister. It was nice to have a true friend.

I hoped it would all be better from this point on but knowing my luck I was one step from Total Destruction.

𝓣𝓸𝓽𝓪𝓵  𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷Where stories live. Discover now