Simplified Details

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" problem is, a partner is required to get into this party, as well as at least one of the pair Rsvp'ing weeks before the event." Diana continued, leaning her back against a wall with a silent sigh. She waited a moment, knowing there wouldn't be a reply to prompt her to continue. The agent well knew how her flair for dramatics worked. "However, with some...difficulties, I managed to get us a ticket in." A brief, pleased hum was barely heard on the other line, making Diana almost gleefully smile. "I'll send the rest of the details tonight."

After hanging up, the woman let out am exhausted sigh. Her phone slid into her pocket quickly, practically dropped in by tired fingertips. She shouldered herself away from the wall, grinning the sides of the sink with tight fingers. A few deep breaths were taken before an upright position was snapped into. There was plenty of work to do still, and giving into the exhaustion wouldn't clean everything up sooner. Making sure the reservation was still in her pocket, Diana turned to the mess before her. Two dead bodies laying next to each other, bandaged to stop further bleeding. At least there wasn't a need to clean the blood up, that task taken care of before calling 47.

Carefully lifting one up bridal style, the Handler managed to find a storage closet to lock the two in. It was almost one a.m., which meant a more stealthy escape was needed.
47 certainly made this all look so much easier. Granted, he had more experience in this field but still. Watching over him doing missions made it appear so simple, like anyone with the stomach and heart could do it. Glancing at her bloody hands, the woman sighed, hurriedly scrubbing them clean so she could leave and get the file ready for 47.

Three targets, two being a wealthy couple supplying money to a corrupt politician, whom of which was the third target. Security would be heavy in certain areas, and of course bodyguards everywhere. Every guest must have a partner with them, which would provide both problems and opportunities for 47. Blending in would be much either with an assumed romantic partner, but if one doesn't do their best for the act, suspicion could arise.

He could still go under his normal fake name of Tobias Rieper, as the woman who's RSVP ticket was borrowed from never specified who her partner was, just the gender. Unfortunately, Diana would have to go under her name; Shannon Dansby. Due dates were always a problem with missions at parties, since there occasionally wasn't a chance to get one requested, which required a harder approach. It wasn't ideal but still got the job done and a happy client.

Shaking her head to forget about the mission details and focus on not falling from the fire escape ladder, Diana slowly made her decent into an alley, her car thankfully nearby. Rushing to it with boots hardly hitting the pavement, the final thought towards the upcoming mission was on a rather happier one.
At least it was easy to find a woman who looked similar to steal an invitation from. Though it was unfortunate that it ended in death, as well as a stained pair of dress pants.

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