Sway Me More

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The grand entrance room looked like the stereotypical sort of entrance. Gold and red, with candles on pillars and crowds of people chatting and reuniting with friends. Diana ducked her head down, hoping to avoid any conversation with anyone. Being inside the building and around people wasn't as stressful as she once thought. Everyone already was preoccupied with their partner and their social groups, not a single eye even glancing their way. Yet the tense form of 47 never changed, eyes rapidly looking around as they pushed past crowds. Diana tilted her head slightly, wondering what he was looking for, what he was seeing.

His eyes snapped to her suddenly, clearing his throat. "Would you like to dance?"
The question was sudden, catching Diana off guard. She gave a little nod, yet again surprised by how quick the agent was to take her to the dance floor. Already, she could hear a live band warming up and tuning, as well as hushed chatter.

"What brings the desire to dance suddenly?" Diana murmured, pulling her hand away from 47's. The agent glanced around the room briefly, leaning down slightly, steady breath just next to her ear.

"People could see through your disgiuse if we're still for too long." The baritone voice murmured, lips gazing the woman's cheek to make the interaction look like a tender moments between lovers. Diana bit her lip and nodded, lightly pressing her forehead against the agent's chest. They'd just entered the building and already the Handler was tired. She realized she'd have to be with the agent at all times, since only he could tell who was a threat and not.

"How lovely." She mumbled, pulling back with a forced, well acted smile. 47 snorted softly, glancing towards the small band of musicians. "I assume the dance will begin soon?" The Handler asked, placing a hand on her companion's shoulder. A sharp nod was given, and thus the two approached the dance floor more.

Diana noticed a slight hesitation in 47 at the start of the dance, his hands more loose than secure. As if he'd never danced before, or this was the first after a thirty minute teaching session. As the dance went on however, he grew more relaxed in the dance. He didn't seem like a nervous dancer now, confidence in his steps and turns. A true smile beamed across the Handler's face; it was amazing to see the agent doing the less violent parts of his work up close.

The song became closer to the end, some couples already leaving the scene before the end. A subtle squeeze from 47 signalled that they couldn't follow their lead, not yet. His gaze was elsewhere now, on someone else. Diana did her best to not be curious enough to look over, figuring whoever it was could tell she wasn't Shannon.

"Relax and trust me." 47 suddenly mumbled out. Diana did her best to relax, focusing on the rise and fall of her dance partner's chest. It could be alarming how fast she was to put trust in the agent's hands, but it was mutual for them both. If she ever messed up an instruction or location, he could be at risk. Trust was an important bond between them, Diana realized with a slight smile.

That smile was replaced with a surprised gasp, the room completely different as 47 gently lowered her into a dip, lips pressed on her upper neck in a mock kiss. Her grip on his shoulder tightened despite the fact that she was probably a feather to the man in weight. The song ended, soon the room returning to it's normal state. The agent cleared his throat, hands dropping to his sides fast. "Sorry about that, they kept looking our way." He murmured as an unneeded explanation.

Diana couldn't help but smile. The agent was dedicating so much to keep her out of suspicion and felt the need to apologise? It was charming, perhaps an endearing act of friendship. The Handler risked pressing a friendly kiss to his cheek as a silent 'thank you', chuckling a bit at the faint lipstick mark left over.

(A/N: Idk how dancing works, and I totally didn't accidentally publish this earlier ahah.)

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