Chapter 4

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"Sarah come in and have a seat." Her school counselor, Ms. Kovack gestured to the couch in her office. Looking around Sarah found the tiny room suffocating to say the least. There were about ten posters about self motivation and love on the walls. Expelling a long sigh she waited for Kovack to speak.

"Sarah Mr. Harvey talked with you about why you're in here right?" Sarah had already committed herself to not speaking at all. Finally after a long silence, she continued. "Alright Sarah I know you're unhappy about being in my office right now but we need to discuss multiple things today. I've called in your mother to speak with us today." As if on cue a knock on the door sounded and Kovack got up to let her mother in. Great. Just great.

"Hi Mrs. Grey, thank you for coming in." She shook her mom's hand and gestured to the other side of the couch. "Of course, though I'm unsure what this is about."

"I was just getting started talking with Sarah here. Now let's start with Sarah's grades. Are you aware she is failing three of her classes?" Her mother's eyes flicked to her before going back to her counselor.

"No, I had no idea."

"Okay, well in order to graduate all of her classes need to be passed. At this time I really don't see her being able to pass her classes in time for graduation." Her mother began to stumble on her words before Ms. Kovack stopped her.

"For 3 years Sarah has been a good student as well as a fantastic player for our basketball team which is why I have talked with the administration about some alternate methods to helping her graduate. There are a few ideas we have come up with but before we speak about that we need to discuss her behavior." Ms. Kovack grabbed a file off her desk and opened it before continuing.

"Sarah has been reported by numerous kids both on the basketball team and off."

"Reported? I don't - I don't understand." Her mom looked over again but Sarah again refused to look up at her.

"Yes, Mrs. Grey. Most of them are bullying reports. Her coach has had a few reports from the girls saying that they were choosing not to play on the team this year because of Sarah. A few others outside of basketball have said she has bullied them and humiliated them in front of others. Her teachers have also reported backtalk, disrespect and an all out bad attitude toward everything.

The amount of reports have become too much to ignore. On normal terms this is grounds or suspension or even expulsion. But again I have talked with the administration and we have come up with a solution to attempt to bring Sarah back on track." Her mother was fighting back tears, but composed herself as Kovack finished.

"Okay, Okay, what does she need to do." Those words brought the first reaction out of Sarah.

"Mom, No!" The look her mom gave her silenced her almost immediately. "We will speak about this later young lady, for now I suggest you listen to what you counselor is about to propose before I pull you out of school myself." She gestured for Ms. Kovack to continue.

"On the terms of her academics we have decided that the best thing would be a peer tutor. It so happens that our Valedictorian tutors students all year. Sarah will be paired with her to help study her academics. This will be two days a week after school. I have already spoken with her coach and he agrees with this as well. To make up practices he is willing to spend one on one time with her on Saturdays in the mornings.

On the terms of behavior Sarah will be spending her free periods in my office. If her behavior improves we can talk about lessening the free periods she spends with me. Also I hope that we can encourage you to come in once a month to sit down and speak with us. Again, after a while we can talk about lessening you coming in moving forward." Sarah looked at her mother. You are seriously not about to do this. The look she received answered. You better believe I am and we are speaking about this when we get home.

"That seems like a good plan. Thank you so much, Ms. Kovack for working with her and helping her. We will also be speaking at length about this when we get home as well. This tutor, can I meet her?"

"Of course, I'll have a pass sent down to her class. If you don't mind waiting a minute." She walked out the door and Sarah immediately turned to her mom.

"You're really going to make me do this?!" She exploded. "Yes, Sarah. I can't believe you didn't tell me this before! Is this why you didn't want me to come to your games this year? And this bullying, I thought I taught you better than this!" Before Sarah could respond Ms. Kovack walked back in.

"She'll be down in a minute, in the meantime let's talk about logistics."

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