Chapter 2

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OH MY GOD! Eric Robinson was standing a few meters away from me!

OH MY GOD! Eric Robinson was standing with my manger!

OH MY GOD! Eric Robinson is the model I'm supposed to pose with!

Wait a minute!

Eric Robinson is the model I'm posing with?!


I felt my stomach do a back flip.

I stood there not knowing what to do. I looked like I had just seen a ghost. I had zoned out to space. My head swimming in thoughts, I didn't even hear Ellen come up to me or feel her when she dragged me to a corner in the room. "Amy, Amy, hello earth to Amy," "What? Oh yeah, listen Ellen no one ever said anything about him being here," "Look I just found out too so try to make best the of it OK?" "What ever" I mumbled and walked off.

Wait a sec! Brainstorm! If I acted like a bitch he surely wouldn't find out who I was, would he?

As I approached Eric and the photographer I made sure I looked like I was insulted to be modeling with him. I had my head raised in the air and I looked at him through the corner of my eye. "Wait a minute! You can't expect ME to model with this... this amateur, can you?"

Please, I prayed,

Please forgive me for acting so horrible.

As he was about to open his mouth with a comeback I quickly said "What ever, can we get this done with quickly? Listen Er- what ever your name is, you'd better make me look good or this is your last day as a model, got it? "The photographer was staring at me as if I were an alien. Well I can't blame him since I didn't usually complain but a girls got to do what a girls got to do, right?

God, I felt so mean!

With every shot I felt more and more nervous. He's going to find out who I am, I'm screwed I thought. After a few shots the photographer called for a break.

Thank God!

I decided to go to the bathroom, on the way I accidently bumped into Eric. His drink fell on the ground and it sprayed all over shoes. I clapped my hands over my mouth in horror about to apologize then I remembered was I supposed to be a meanie and said "Where are your eyes? In the back of your head?" "You're the one who bumped into me," he argued. "Me? Bump into you? You must have surely lost your mind. Ha! I bump into you! Latest joke" I shot back. That was when I noticed how tall he was and the deepness of his green eyes.

Stop staring Amy! You're supposed to hate him!

With that I did the best I could to do a mocking laugh and hurried to the bathroom.

That was a close one! I felt so horrible. He didn't deserve this.

While I was in the bathroom staring at the new mean me in the mirror, Ellen came in. "What the hell are you thinking?" "Well I can't let him find out can I? Isn't that the whole point of monsterizing me before school?" "What ever," Ellen muttered and walked off.

The break was over so that meant more photos. That wasn't the part I was worried about it was Eric. Being so close to him made me nervous. When I went over to the set I saw Eric talking on the phone.

God, he looked handsome! Didn't he always?

Stop Amy. Focus! You're supposed to be a bitch, remember?

"Come on, I don't have all day" I said impatiently. He closed his phone and walked over. We took a few poses and were left with the last one. The photographer asked Eric to stand behind me and put his hands around my waist and place them on my stomach.

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