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"*cough *cough"

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital? You've been coughing since this morning"

Said the older twin while giving his little brother a glass of water.

"No *cough* I'm okay *cough* it's nothing serious"

Said the younger twin as he drink the glass of water his brother handed to him.

But after drinking the water his coughing keep getting worst and worst when suddenly he coughs out a red liquid.

The younger twin was shocked same goes to his brother. He was coughing blood a lot of blood.

"W-we need to go to the hospital now!!"

The older twin shouted as he carry his brother bridal style and rush out of their house to search for a nearest hospital. And luckily there was.

Arrived at the hospital,the older twin immediately called the nurses to get his brother treatment. After the nurses took over he was told to wait in the waiting room.

Some hours passed, one of the doctors came inside the room where the older twin was waiting.

The older twin saw him coming in as he quickly rush towards him.

"Doctor! How is he?! Is he gonna be okay?!"

The older twin asked straight away.

"Calm down, the patient is in a stable condition"

The older twin sigh in relief.

"May I ask, are you the brother of the patient just now?"

Nodded the older twin.

"You're brother wanted me to tell you something important but first let me introduce myself, I'm your brother's personal doctor, Dr Sam"

The doctor introduce himself.

"Personal doctor...? But I never heard him saying about having a doctor, why would he had a personal doctor anyway?"

Said the older twin confused.

"That's why I'm here to tell you something important, you see your brother had been diagnosed with a rare cancer...we tried the best we could to find the suitable medicine but unfortunately...we failed"

Hearing what the doctor's said,he felt like his heart broke. Many questions keep running in his mind. Since when he had cancer? Why didn't he tell him? Why now out of all days?

"And there's one more thing I need to tell you"

"W-what is it?"

He gulped hoping it wasn't a bad news.

"Your brother..."

The doctor pause for a moment to take a deep breath as he continues.

"....may not live long.."

Just as the doctor finished saying,his heart had scattered into a million of peaces. He was hoping this is only a dream but he knew there's no dream that felt too real, like now.

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