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Jinyoung's POV:

We started to unpack the whole load of stuff JB hyung and others bought. I still couldn't help but let out small giggles reminding the encounter I had with Seunie before and mainly his shocked face.
Mark and JB hyung gave me "are you okay?" looks now few times to me probably finding my here and there giggles a little weird.

I suddenly felt a poke at my side and I lifted my hand to swat the person who poked me but only saw a pouting Seunie looking at me with his puppy eyes.
"why?" I asked him while closing my my mouth from my hand to stop the laugh that's bubbling in my throat.

"okay.. Can someone enlighten me why these two are acting extra weird today? what did I miss now... ? Mark hyung asked squinting his eyes at us.

*Gulps* Oops

Jackson's POV :

"okay.. Can someone enlighten me why these two are acting extra weird today? what did I miss now... ?" Mark squinted his eyes and gave both of us a death glare.

Damn it. It's so hard to hide something from them.

"Um nothing hyung " I managed to fumble out the words.
"NG" Jinyoungie whispered near my ear and I playfully slapped his arm fake glaring at him which made him giggle again.
His giggles will be the death of me one day.

"You two are defienetly hiding something from us but since both of you seem happy I won't pressure to say anything now" JB hyung stated giving us a knowing look.

*Gulp* It sucks that they can read me so well.

"Hyung I..."

"Oh my god Bam-ah what did you do?" Gyeom suddenly complained getting our attention.
"Oh I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, that sure was a mistake.." Bam  replied giving Jinyoungie and I a sheepish smile before crouching down to pick the packet he dropped.

Why does their encounter feels Very familiar and why did Bam gave me that weird smile....

"Oh No Gyeom! look what you did.?!" Bam said now
"Oh I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable... but do you regret what happend..? Gyeom replied while trying to control his laugh
"Oh no, not even a bit" Bam replied giving me an ugly smirk again.

That's when reality hit me like a tons of bricks.

Were they watching us THE WHOLE TIME?! You've got to be kidding me!!!!

I turned my head to look at Jinyoungie and unsurprisingly he was staring at me with wide eyes and his bottom lip was caught up between his teeth ; which made me wanna kiss him so badly.

"Now why the hell are you two acting way beyond weird than the weird way you two always behave?" JB asked the two Maknaes with a I'm so done with you two tone.

"Oh Nothing hyung , we just heard those lines in a new drama and thought it would be great to recreate it" Bam replied while giving me a 10000 watt smile.

Sometimes I just wish I had no soft spot for the Maknae line ; so I could just kill them in situations like NOW and I'm pretty sure Jinyoungie is plotting how to murder them by now

I was about to launch my self at the two Maknaes when we heard JB's phone ringing.

"Helloo, wussup Man. Oh really? it would be great if we could meet somewhere else other than award ceremonies and concerts /Laughs/
how about our house then? yeah there's plenty of space here.
I'll send you the location. Yh 7 would be nice.
Definitely /laughs/ there's no limit to bring drinks /laughs/
okay then see you guys by 7

We all gaped at JB hyung  waiting for him to explain.

"so kids, Exo are coming to our place tonight.. Bam and Gyeom please go and clean the mess you two created in the yard and after that start cleaning the house with Sunshine.
Seun and Jinyoung quickly sort out these stuff and clean the kitchen and the BBQ machine. Mark we have to go to the Mart again to buy meat and drinks. please don't mess up the house." JB sighed dramatically loud after his speech which made us all laugh out loud.

It would be great to hangout with Exo tonight since we rarely get a time to be with them due to the rules in our companies and mainly it would distract the members from asking us questions and I can find a way to embarrass the two Maknaes in front of the guests to take revenge from them.

Jinyoungie grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze and gave me his beast smile which made my heart skip a beat. I smiled back at him and started to unpack the rest of the stuff before I heard Bam and Gyeom scremed "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww" while going out of the house.

please God, don't test my level of patience like this. :")

A/N : Two updates today Lol..  Exam stress I guess 😂😂
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Much Love \(≧▽≦)/

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