13.Nothing makes sense

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Jinyoung's POV:

It's been so long after I got a chance to roam in the streets. I missed it so much even though I'm dressed up like a thief; I mean I was wearing all black along with a black cap and a black mask and black shades. I was literary hoping on the street earing few glares from the passer bys but I couldn't help nor give a fuck about them because not every time I get to be this free like a normal person.


I bought almost every thing I planned to buy the last thing was an Ice Choco.
Okay maybe two Ice chocos. One for my baby and one for that annoying brat Gyeom.
It's funny no matter how much I want hit that brat for annoying the hell out of me I have such a huge soft spot for him and I involuntary care about him a lot and loves him alot too.
*sigh* hope that stupid brat will leave me alone today when I give him his precious Ice Choco.

I had to cross the road to go to Starbucks and Tom n Toms was five blocks away.
Crossing the road it is. Energy saving mode. Heh.

I switched the heavy bags to my left and kept my foot on the crossing line and Pain and darkness was the last thing I encountered with.

Jackson's POV:

My body started to tremble so bad and I froze on the spot. My brain fried thinking what I should do but I couldn't think straight as I felt everything around me shattering into pieces.

"Jack!! What was that? What did you break now??.." Mark burst into my room opening the door widely.
"Jacks....?! Jackson why are you crying..?! What happened??... please tell.." he shook me from my shoulder lightly but I couldn't talk. It felt like my words were stuck in my throat.
I hugged him tightly and and he hugged me back tightly.
"Jack please tell me what happend..? Where's Jinyoung? JACK WHERE'S JINYOUNG??!"

"Jin.... Jinyoung.... Accident....Hospital.." I barely got the words out of my mouth.

"WHAT??! JINYOUNG IS IN THE HOSPITAL?" He almost yelled.

"Why are you two shouting? It's still 10! Save your shoutings for evening. People are trying to sleep." JB hyung too entered the room still looking half asleep while rubbing his eyes but stopped in the midway seeing me crying.

"Seun? Mark? What's going on? Where's Jinyoung?" JB hyung asked giving us a questionable look.

"Jinyoung have met with an accident. Please call manager hyung and ask others to get ready. I'll make Jack ready. Let's leave quickly."

"JINYOUNG WHAT?!!" JB hyung screamed and ran out of the room screaming at others to wake up and I heard him talking to manager hyung.

"Calm down and get dressed quickly Jack. I promise you he'll be okay." Mark gave me a light squeeze on the shoulder.
I lightly nodded at him out of reflex but I could still feel my world keep getting darker and darker without my baby next to me.

We quickly arrived to the Seoul Main Hospital. On the way to hospital I was curled into a ball to stop myself from trembling but there was no fucking way I could stop all those tears that streamed from my eyes mercilessly.
I still couldn't think straight nor nothing made sense I just felt so lifeless.
The van stopped right in front of the hospital main entrance which led straight to the reception. I jumped out from the van even before it proplerly stopped and ran towards the reception.
"JACKSON! Please be careful!!" I heard Mark yelling while running trying to catch up with me but this is not a time to give a flying fuck about me. This is the time we were supposed to think about My Jinyoungie.
I went straight to the reception, but I couldn't bare to open my mouth. My throat felt too dry and it felt like a lump was stuck in my throat. I kept gazing at the lady in the reception who was now looking at me with a confused look.

"Good Morning! Welcome to Seoul Main Hospital. How Can I help you sir..?"

"I.. I... Ji...Jin..." I tried to say it out loud but failed miserably.

"Hello. We came here for Park Jinyoung. He was bought due to an accident. Where is He now?" Mark stood next to me and explained the situation to the lady and she seemed to notice us after Mark spoke.

"Omg... yes yes sir. Mr.Park Jinyoung is now in the Intense Care Unit and he's currently undergoing a surgery. I will contact a nurse who's in charge."
"Hello. Vanessa. Yes please hurry to the reception."

She gave us a small smile and polielty asked us to wait and the Nurse came quickly and led us to where Jinyoungie was.

"I'm really sorry sir.. but you can't go inside the ICU. He's undergoing a surgery. He was hit by a Motorbike to his right side and he now has 5 broken ribs and one of the ribs has harmed his left lung and we are now trying to take it off. Please don't worry, we will do our best. Until you all can sit here and wait. I need one person to come with me to fill the information and A police officer is waiting to talk to you."

JB hyung and Manager hyung went with the Nurse. I just stood there in the middle of the isle which was heading to the ICU lifelessly staring at the ICU.
Mark hyung and BamBam took my hands from both sides which made me cringe slightly.
Everyone is cold. Like thousands of needles poking me. Where is my warmth.? I need my sunshine to warm myself up. Why should it be him?. Why is the world so cruel?
I could again feel hot streams of tears running through my face and my head felt like it's going to explode anytime soon.
Mark and BamBam kept saying... I really couldn't understand what they were saying maybe saying soothing words to calm me down but I don't think nothing will sooth me until I see my baby next to me.

We all sat down in the cold metallic silver chairs and I again curled my self into a ball and kept repeating Jinyoungie's name until I drifted into sleep without my permission.

Busy with the comeback!!
Are y'all streaming daily? Hope you all are 😘

Anyways Thank you for the love and support you guys show me despite my shitty writing.


Until next time BAAAAAAAI😝😚

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