little introduction

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Hello Hello, and welcome to my little One Shot! I'm glad you stumbeld across this, and I'm even happier you've decided to read it! Thank you very much ^^

So, there are a few points i want to clear before you start reading the story (if you even read this)

1°: English is NOT my mother-language, so prepare for a LOT of grammar and vocabular mistakes. (If you find something, lmk and I'll fix it)

2°: This is my first time publishing a story, so please don't be too harsh, I tried my best.

3°: I do not, I repeat, I do NOT support JK Rowling, but I can't change that she wrote the HP-Series, so all rights belong to her except my character and this story-line.

4°: I really wanna know if there are people out there who would read more of my stories (some are also in german), because if yes, I'd start to write again and actully publish my work.

So, if you kept reading till here, tyvm! I'll realease you now, enjoy the story!

(ugh, i hate this so damn much)

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