» it all ends with a big bang «

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"It's ridicioulos Severus!", I screamed, tears slowly filling my eyes. "It's been years! She choose another one over you! She had a child with him! And over all, she's dead!" His empty expression changed to an angry one. "Don't you dare-" "What?! Tell you the truth? It is what it is, Severus! You can't run around chasing idealised memories! She never loved you like that! What do you expect will happend if you run after those 14 year old memories, huh? Will she magicaly come back to life and love you?" His already eyes got even darker, a unreadable, almost wild expression went into them. He opened his mouth, trying to snap at me, but I interrupted him, my voice breaking and tears streaming down my face endlessly. "She's dead, Sev. And she never loved you. But I do, ok? I fucking love you! And you are breaking my heart just like she broke your's when she got with James! I have feelings too, Severus! Just because you don't, doesn't mean you can hurt me, ok?" His angry face faded, looking to the ground, unable to tell me I'm wrong, because he knew I wasn't. His black hair fell into his beautiful face, while his hands clenched into fists, his knuckels turning white under the pressure "Shut it! It's not my fault you were such a fool to fall in love with me!" He pressed through his teeth, closing his eyes. I went quiet, and just looked at him. My tears finally stopped. His words made my heart skip a beat. "So you admit it. You admit you never loved me back." His eyes snaped back open, his mouth standing open for a moment, thinking of what to say. "Taissa.. You're a student and I-" "No! Enough! I don't want to hear your goddamn lies anymore! Just tell me the truth! And then, open your stupid eyes: You have nothing. Noone. Tell me one person who would give their life to safe yours. Cause I can tell you, Dumbledore wouldn't. The dark lord? Jesus Christ no! So whose left? Exactly. Noone. You had me Severus. I would've given my life for you. And I admit, I was a fool for that. I would've given my life for an idiot who just used me to fuck me!" "You take that back right now!" He looked at me, angry, but with a slight touch of regret and pain in his eyes. My heart ached by his look, but I didn't allow myself to show him that. It's his own fault, after all. "Why would I, huh?" My voice was low, calm. I wasn't angry anymore. I wasn't sad anymore. I felt nothing. Nothing, but coldness, that closes up tight around my body and heart. "I didn't lie. You just used me, Severus. You probably just fucked me from behind all the time so you can see my damn red hair and imagine her face." He looked down, not answering. I couldn't belive it. "How often?" He didn't answer again. "How often, Severus!?" He still didn't look up, didn't say a word. "Wow. Just... Wow." I let out a frustraded laugh. I turned to the door, preparing for my last words, my last goodbye.  "Just so you know... It was me." I couldn't see his face, but I knew I finally made him look at me again. "I was the one who informed Dumbledore you were missing." I turned my head over my shoulder so I could see his face one last time. His brows wanderd up, his eyes wide open, disbelive and regret sank in them, just as I hoped. "Without me, you'd already be dead by now. I wish you a good life, Severus Snape" With those words I turned on my heels, and went to the door. A part of me still hoped he would call me back, so I rested my hand on the doorknob for a few secondes before twisting it. He even shatterd this little piece of hope and belive by staying quiet. So I left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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