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Name: Kiara Calmont

Nicknames: n/a

Age: 24

Birthday: unknown

Gender: female

Sexuality: homoromantic, asexual

Languages: english, hindi, mandarin, spanish, french, a bit of latin

Power; n/a


appearance: see faceclaim in media section

clothing: business casual/semi-formal clothing in solid colours, she always looks well put together

Hair colour: dark brown

Hair style: normally up in a bun or 2 braids

Eye colour: dark brown

Scars: a large burn mark on her leg



Mental illnesses: generalized anxiety disorder

Physical illnesses:

Habits: bites at her nails but is desperately trying to stop

Phobias: water/drowning


Personality: kiara is about the opposite of her brother, a hard working young woman who doesn't take anything she has for granted even though she could. She is an empath seeming to care about every problem in the world, and since she was allowed to she has been donating money, starting her own nonprofit when she was 16. She isn't well know for this publicly, (she lets koi be the public face and it works for them both) but to anyone high up her name can probably be summoned to mind if she's seen. She wants to help everyone and disappoint no one which often leads to her putting unnecessary stress on herself, even if she's helped _________ theres still ___________ is how her mind world leading her in circles until she crashes which doesn't happen much, but enough to worry people. Week to months long periods of time where she feels numb to the world and often just shelters herself in her apartment away from the world. She can be rather judgmental at times and is rather loud with her opinion especially around her family.

Fears: not being able to make a difference, failure, burning out for good

Strengths: smart, caring, independent, makes herself heard, fairly in shape, has many random skills, passionate

Weaknesses: hotheaded, bad at shutting up when she cares about something, judgmental, hot headed, stresses herself, bottles things up

Likes: the city, parks, rivers, when she's finally figured a solution out, her apartment, small animals, myths, legends, taking to people from different walks of life

Dislikes: heat, summer, people doing things for her, being compared to her brother

Occupation: head of her charity

Ethnicity: unknown (east and south asian)

Birthplace: india

Backstory: kiara was adopted by her dads when she was 8 but had met them 3 times before then the process having taken over 3 years. She was a fast learner having caught up to people her age within 3 years and surpassing them a few years later, she felt as if she had to be her best and do everything she could to help to makeup for the fast she was adopted over the others. She remembers very little of her past including her bio family and what happened to them. Her childhood a blur. When she was 16 with her dads help she started a charity under their names but it was sighed over to her when she came
of age

--she doesn't see the point in pets

-she doesn't like hiring people to do things , but she has a housekeeper that comes to her apartment once a week

-she likes walking around with no real reason, often meeting new people

-she likes to pretend people's status doesn't matter to her

-koi calls her his little sister because he's been in the family his whole life and she hasn't.

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