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Everything's Dark....

I'm Falling...

Someone's yelling something...

They're saying...


"Wake up Skylar!"

I jerk Up and Fall out of my bed.

"W-what?" I Groan

"Dragons were spotted! We Must Move Quickly!" Gothi replied

"Right..." I get up and quickly put on some Warm clothing then I grab an Apple and Run outside.

The Battle was in Full swing already, Buildings were catching on Fire and there were Dragons and Vikings fighting everywhere. I quickly Ducked as a Spear went Flying above me and straight into a Deadly Nadders Arm. 

I winced as the Dragon Cried out in Pain and Flew away.

"That was Close one,."

I look up to see Harry, this one boy who 'Had' A crush on me for 5 years (I'm pretty sure he still does).

"Yeah.. thanks... Well, bye!" I try to walk past him but Harry grabs my arm and turns me towards him.

"Hey, um... Sky... I was Wondering if you would like to-" Harry couldn't Finnish his Question because a Gronkle started Shooting at us and I ran one way while he ran the Other.

I quickly take advantage of His temporary Distraction to Run away before he could ask that Question again.

Don't get me wrong, He's a Nice guy and all... But he just so... Violent. I'm not too sure I would be able to even Kill a Dragon let alone Wound it...

Anyway, I quickly rush into the Underground House that we keep all the Patients in. the reason it's underground is because when Dragons attack they catch Houses on Fire, So if the House with all the Wounded Viking's in it Catches on Fire... Well, let's just say we would have plenty of Casualties..

"Skylar ----! Where have you been!" Gothi scolded me while Wrapping a Bandage around a Wounded Viking's Leg.

"Sorry Gothi! I got Caught up in Trying to Escape a Dragon..." I Apologize and set my Bag on a table.

"Well, Don't let it happen again, Wash your hands and get to work!"

I do as I'm told and Tie my Fiery hair up in a Bun. I quickly glance in the Mirror, I have Deep Green eyes and a Few Freckles across my face. I woundn't say I'm the Prettiest Girl my age... But... I am.. (A/N: Haha! Are you glad I'm not Making her a Typical Insecure Girl?) 

I Began tending to the Wounded until Gothi Calls me over.

"There's been an accident over at the Blacksmiths shop, A Boy Injured himself working. there's too many people here for me to get away. You'll have to Go instead."

"W-what? shouldn't I stay?" I Question

"No, Some of these men need extensive care, you wouldn't know what to do. You must go, here'sa Pack. Go! Hurry!" Gothi rushes me out the door.

This is it.

My first medical Emergency.


Okay, So you might be confused about how they Know things like Stitches and Keeping things Sterile so I'll tell you the reason: Skylar wasn't originally from Berk, She was From a Far off Town that I still have yet to name. She lived there ever since she was 9 but then Her Village was Tragically Destroyed by a Group of Changewings so she went to live with Gothi in Berk. Her Village was very advanced in Medicine so Skylar knew a lot about it and Told Gothi about it.

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     -Sunshine 714

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