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Long ago, two races ruled over Earth,
Humans and Monsters.

One day an Uno War took place
between the two races.

After a long battle the Monsters
were victorious.

The Humans, filled with anger YeEteD the Monsters under a mountain.

Seven of the strongest meme creators dabbed creating a barrier, trapping the Monsters underground.

Many Years Later. . .

Legends say that all who climb Mt. Ebott go missing and are then labeled as "Gay".

A human climbs the mountain.

They enter a cave.

They trip and fall into a giant hole.

The human then dabs as they fall
to their "death".




A human with brown hair is lying in a bed of yellow flowers. They look around them and notice they are underground.

They have fallen in "The Land of Monsters". Their response?

"Nani the frick?"

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