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-Cohen's pov-

Wake tf up nigga Beep..!

My alarm kept going off and I groaned rolling over and hit it with my hand to cut it off, "ok ok I'm up damn...stupid thing.." I said rubbing my eyes and yawned.

I got up brushed my teeth, got in the shower singing Justin Bieber songs cause why tf not? Don't judge me. Then I got dressed and ate breakfast.

It wasn't time for the bus to come yet so I just sat down and watched some YouTube.


As I checked the time I realized the bus was gonna be here soon so I kissed my mom and dog goodbye, and just stuck my tongue out at my sister.

I walked down to the curve and saw some other guys standing there, I slowed down not really wanting to get too close to them considering I didn't know them.

They never looked back so they didn't see me.

The bus FINALLY gets here after about like 30 minutes of waiting, we all get on and I sit in the front away from everyone.


We finally make it to school and I'm the first one off the bus, I put my AirPods on and kept walking with my head down. It was early in the morning so most people were doing the same thing, seemingly all tired.

I walk to the front office to get my schedule and see a lot of other people there including the boys I saw earlier at the bus stop.

I finally made it to the front of the line and the lady asked me for my name.

"Hey hunny, lemme get chur first and last name" the old brown skin lady said looking down at me.

"U-uhm Cohen Muse" I said having to stand on my tippy toes to see over the counter. So fucking embarrassing..!

She looked through all the files and found the one with my name on it and handed it to me, "have a good first day sauger" she said with a sweet smile on her face.

I left and started looking for my first classroom, it was hard to find it because there were so many turns and twists and I started freaking out, who tf would build a school like this? Dumb asses. I thought to myself as I continued to go in circles looking for my class that I was about to be late to.

I continued to walk when i turned a corner and bumped into someone, "oh- sorry I didn't see yo-" I said picking up my stuff and slowly looking up at the other person.

I realize it's one of the guys I saw at the bus stop,

"No worries" the curly haired lightskin said smiling at me, he helped me up. "Wow you're taller than I thought-" I said looking up at him, "and you're shorter than I thought" he said chuckling a little.

"Anyways, are you lost?" He said, "what makes you s-say that?" I said tryna act like I wasn't.

"You've been going in circles for about 5 minutes now" he said laughing a little, I just looked away nervous and embarrassed.

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