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It's been a couple months since Cohen, Derek and Mike all started dating, and Mike is still a little nervous about telling Derek top him, Vallyk and Kobe have always been together and vallyk and Cohen try to explain to Mike that being a bottom isn't that bad.

-Mikes pov-

Cohen and Vallyk and still trying to convince me to bottom...it's not that I don't want to it's just I've never done anything like that before.

And Dereks too fucking big...

It's like 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep so I went outside to play some basketball, I text Kobe to come out and play with me hoping he'd be up.

He was and agreed to play, he came outside a few minutes later. He beat the shit outa me but we don't speak on that.

Afterwards I sat on the street and started to dribble the ball a little, I started to drift off. I thought about what Vallyk and Cohen said...

How it wasn't that bad and that it only hurt for a second...

"Yo, Mike. You there?" Kobe said snapping me back, "yeah I'm here." "Tf you day dreaming about?" "...nothing.." "mhm" Kobe said chuckling.

"Why don't you just give it a chance? I'm sure it's not that bad." Kobe said looking down at his phone.

"How would you know? You've never bottomed" "never say never" my jaw dropped a little when he said that.

He chuckled and patted my back standing up, "I texted Derek to come over to your house to 'talk' so you better go inside." Kobe said chuckling.

I froze for a second and watched as Kobe walked back into his house, I felt butterflies fill my stomach. Wtf was I gonna do when he got here?! Idk what to talk about!

I walked inside and laid on my bed, my mom was at work so I was the only one home. I heard a nock at the door and my stomach dropped.

Nooooo...go away! Fuck you kobe. I stayed in bed hoping he'd leave when I heard my phone vibrate.

Text message received:

Derek🥵: "open the door🥺"

Me: "I'm not home..." (fucking liar)

Derek🥵: "Awh maybe I'll come back tomorrow then😔"

Me: "yeah sorry.."

I laid my phone down and sighed in relief, "thank god..." I heard a knock at my window and I swear my soul left my body.

I jumped out of bed and saw Derek smirking at me, "thought you weren't home?" He said muffled by the glass.

I blushed and opened my window as he jumped through, "so we're lying to each other now?" He said crossing his arms at me.

"I-I didn't mean to...I just..I-I don't know.." I said closing and locking the window, I back away and fidget with my fingers nervously.

"Look at me." I didn't listen and looked down, he grabbed my neck and slammed me against the wall making me yelp.

"Do you want me to fuck you up?" His words sent a shiver down my spine and I shook my head no, blushing.

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