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-Cohen's pov-

Derek tugged at the towel rapped around me, and my legs started to get weak again. I don't know why but my body wouldn't calm down.

And this thong wasn't helping at all! It was going up my ass and rubbing against my boner making it worse.

"Don't think you're gonna get out of this." He said sternly, kinda scaring me.

I tried getting away from him by going under his arm and running for my bed when he grabs my towel and rips it off.

I trip and fall on the floor, landing on my butt making me yelp. I look down and cover myself with my arms, I didn't have a chest like a girl but I felt so exposed.

Derek threw the towel somewhere in the room and turned to look at me, he looked me up and down.

I was so embarrassed, I didn't even wanna stand up. I just sat on the floor curling up in a ball.

He walked towards me and I backed up against my bed as he got on one knee and leaned in closer putting one hand on the bed behind me.

"Don't be shy, I wanna see" he said smirking at me, I blushed and felt butterflies form in my stomach. "I-I l-look stupid..." I said nervously not wanting him to see my boner.

He sighs and stood up, "fine, we'll do it the hard way." Derek said sternly, as he walked over to his bag to grab something.

I couldn't see it clearly until he turned around, it was a belt and I jolted a little.

"W-what a-are you doing?" I said looking at the belt then back at him. "Get up, Now." He said snapping the belt making me jump.

I slowly stood up, covering my boner with both my hands and bent my legs in a knock kneed position(No he is not Knock Kneed) to try and hide it more.

Derek smirked at me, slowly looking me up and down making me blush. "Why are you covering yourself?" He said looking up at my eyes.

I didn't say anything I just looked away embarrassed still blushing. Ofc I'd be embarrassed! I'm standing in the middle of my room in a thong half naked with the person I find attractive...

He slowly walked towards me snapping the belt again and again making me jolt and back up almost falling on my bed.

"I-I j-just...." I didn't know what to say, he kept getting closer and I got more and more nervous.

He was so tall and it intimidated me...

When he got close enough he put his hand around my neck and pulled me closer, whispering in my ear, "move yo hand."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and made me blush even more. I slowly moved my hand and my erection was exposed, precum was already leaking out.

Derek looked down and then back up at me smirking and pushing me back on to the bed, "someone's eager aren't they?" He said looking back down at my erection.

I look away in embarrassed, and I go to cover myself again but he stops me. He grabs both my hands and puts them above my head, tying them up with a shirt.

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