''Oh god...'' {Chapter 1}

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Listen, we are just not gonna listen to the description.

[Raelyn's POV]

God the one day it wasn't supposed to rain, it rains. I held my books from the library in my jacket as to not get them wet. It was raining hard as hell, and I was the unlucky one without an umbrellas. ''Ugh, this is so annoying.'' I said to myself. I grumbled a few curse words under my breath. I looked up from the ground to see a white van coming my way. I was always told that the man in the white van was always gonna be a bad guy. ''Ha, just some stupid saying.'' I muttered to nobody in particular.

 I keep staring at the van, though, because I swear that the person in there was looking at me. It made me uncomfortable. They were going really slow, way under the speed limit. The car behind them finally had enough and started honking at the guy, but he didn't speed up. I saw movement inside the car and a few moments after watched the window nearest to the sidewalk that I was on roll down. Nothing happened for a few moments, and then suddenly something black came out. Not until it was fully out did I see what it was. A gun. And it was point at me. My eyes widened and with my somewhat fast reflexes I turned around and ran as fast as I could to get away. But I was to late. I felt something hit me. It felt hot and very, very painful. I felt the pain on my stomach and my back. I clutched my stomach. I screamed out in pain (I don't exactly like doing something like ''GUAHHHH'' it's just kind of weird to me). I looked down and pulled my hand away. Blood. I was shot. They shot me. I had already lost a lot of blood by the looks of my hand, and I never was really good with blood.

And just like that, it was all black and I was gone.

But then, I wasn't.

I opened my eyes and looked into a black abyss. I looked around. My head hurt and my stomach hurt. I didn't remember anything. Then, slowly but surely, the memories came back. I remembered walking home, seeing the white van, seeing the gun, getting shot and passing out. ''Hello little one.'' I heard somebody say from behind me. I swiftly turned around, scared but curious of what was with me in this black void. I saw a beautiful women in a white dress. She had long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I was only a few feet away from her. 

''W-who are you? And where am I?'' I asked her. 

She smiled at me. ''My name is Savanna, and you are in your mind scape."

Her smile fell as she looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "I assume you remember being shot and passing out?"

I winced when she said 'being shot'. After a few moments of stillness and silence, I nodded. 

She smiled again. "Well you were going to die, but I chose you to come here."

I was pretty confused at this point. After all, I did pass out so this could just be a dream and I'm in a coma right now. And if this is real, 'chose me'? What the hell does that mean?

She laughed. "Oh sweet child, this is not a dream. And I chose you to be given a second chance."

I was still confused. And did she just read my mind? "Second chance at what?" 

"At life, sweet one. You are such a kind soul that it would be sad to see you die. We need more people like you in this world."

She paused for a moment to let that sink in. Second chance at life?

"Though, I cannot just give you a second chance at life. So, I have a challenge for you. I will send you to another universe so you may help the Avatar as your challenge."

Avatar? Who the hell is the Avatar, and what? Another universe?

She frowned before smiling once more. "Yes, another universe. The Avatar is a young kid named Aang. In this universe there s a thing called bending. It is a kind of super power. Some people can bend earth, others fire, water, or a now close to extinct race of airbenders."

She paused once more to check if I was following. I nodded for her to go on.

"Aang is the last airbender. But, as the Avatar he can bend all of the elements. He has a long journey ahead of him. Your job is to help him and guide him through it. He, and only him, will know who you are and where you are from. At certain points I will be there to help you. Nobody else can know who you really are."

I thought about everything she just said. A kid? Guide him? "I know nothing about this universe, how am I supposed to 'guide him'?" I'm still kinda suspicious that this was just a coma dream.

"I told you before, this is not a dream. And you are to guide him as your challenge. By helping him through things you are guiding him to the final battle. You do not have to change your name, though you do have to make a different choice."

How in the Bloody Mary did she know I was gonna ask about my name? You know what never mind. "What other choice do I have to make, Savanna?"

"What type of bending do you want?" 

Ooo, bending type. I honestly have no clue anything about any of the types. 

"Right, you need to know more about the types."

She took her right hand and moved it through the black blankness. What used to be blankness, at least. Now, there was a holographic screen. It had what seemed to be 4 videos across the screen.

"These are videos of the bending types in action."


So those were the types. The one that caught my eye the most was earth bending. It seemed very good on both defensive and offensive. You could make walls and shoot boulders. There was also such a thing called 'Seismic Sense'. Apparently that was where you could use earth bending to see. Generally, it seemed very powerful.

"Earth bending. I want to be an earth bender." 

"Alright, sweet one. Now I must send you on your way. Be careful, Raelyn. I wish you the best of luck."

The black abyss turned into a huge flash of white light. When the white light dissipated, I saw I was on an iceberg. I started coughing.

"Oh no! Are you both okay?!?"

"Katara, stay away from them! We have no idea who they are!"

I looked up to see two people in front of me. A girl and a boy. They looked very similar so I'm gonna assume they are siblings. The boy called the girl over to him. He called her Katara. So she was Katara, but what was his name? 

"Sokka, they just came out of an iceberg! They can't be that strong and they probably need medical help!"

Looks like I have to deal with these two. I looked around a bit, still coughing some. I saw a boy with an arrow on his head and arms laying there. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?


Alright, that was the first chapter! This story will sometimes follow the series, sometimes steer away from it. I hope that's okay. This chapter is kinda short, but I'm having some writers block and thought this was enough. BYE - Lucifer. (Word count : 1264.)

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