the book store

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Once Lyra had gotten all her new robes she headed out of the shop and was once again greeted by the chaotic street that was Diagon Alley, only this time there was no Fred and George to help her. Instead her brother was stood at the door leaning idly on the door frame. "father told me to come and help you buy your wand while he finishes some business in another shop." Lyra smiled at him to be polite and to her surprise Draco's usual smirk was less evil then usual and resembled somewhat of a small smile. "good mood Draco?" Lyra questioned as they set off towards Ollivanders. "Oh shut up will you, i am trying to be nice!" he said with a roll of his eyes. Much like their father Draco seemed to have the gift of managing to get people to move out of the way of him, although it only seemed to work on children. Before Lyra knew it, she and Draco were walking through the door to Ollivanders. Lyra was almost overcome with excitement, she had only been in here once before and that was to get Draco's wand. As the door closed, an old man appeared from behind stacks of wand boxes. "Ah young Mr Malfoy, i see you have come to accompany your sister on getting her first wand." Ollivander spoke with immense purpose and Draco nodded. Before Lyra even got the chance to speak, the old man had disappeared into the back of the shop, muttering to himself as he picked out and put down numerous wands. After a short while he returned with a narrow box, he opened it and Lyra peered in, Draco being noisy also tried to get a little glimpse of the wand Ollivander had picked out. "this wand is a sycamore wood, with a dragon heart string core, 10 and a half inches" Lyra looked at it in awe for a moment before Draco said in an eager tone (sort of like he was excited) "go on give it a wave!" following her brothers comment, Lyra carefully picked the wand from it's box and gave it a gentle swish in the air. For a moment nothing happened, until a rumble happened in the back of the shop. Peering over the desk to see what had happened, they saw that one whole wall of wands had almost all be knocked out of the shelves "maybe not that one" Ollivander said warily, as he took the wand back off Lyra and headed back into the back of the shop, climbing over the fallen wands. "AH HA... A vine wood, with a Unicorn hair core, 10 and three quarter inches" he looked very much pleased with his newest pick as he handed it over to Lyra. Being more cautious this time Lyra squinted as she waved the wand gently in the air. This time only a couple wands came flying off the shelves although more damage seemed to be caused, one of the boxes flew right at Lyra's head but she ducked just in time, another went flying past both her and Draco hitting a very expensive looking display case and making drop to the floor shattering the glass, the next box went hurtling towards the window and if Draco hadn't seen it, it would have definitely have gone straight through, but luckily he caught it and only a small crack spread through one of the panes of glass, the last box however flew right into Ollivanders hands. Once Lyra and Draco stopped looking around the shop to see if any more damaged had been caused they noticed that Ollivander was inspecting the box curiously letting out a few noises as he did, "hmm, give this one a go Lyra it seems to be connected to you?" puzzled Lyra took the wand from the box and gave it a little flick, surely enough nothing bad happened, in fact Lyra felt incredible, the shop suddenly started to glow this warm sort of yellow and the light source seemed to be the tip of the wand. Ollivander clapped his hands together "brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant!" he cried. Lyra and Draco were now both looking at the wand, it was a light brown colour with some dark vine like lines twirling around it, little specks of gold were located at the bottom and they became more spaced out the further up the wand you looked. It was perfect. "if you don't mind me asking" Lyra spoke slowly still admiring her new wand "what type of wand is this?" Draco looked up at Ollivander who was still beaming, "that is a Hazel wood, with a Phoenix feather core and its 11 inches" Lyra didn't know that much about wands but from what her father had told her it was the rarest type of core you could get in a wand. Now both her and Draco knew why he was beaming so brightly, "this wand was so strongly connected to you it picked itself from the shelf and flew itself into my hands gently. Miss Malfoy this wand is like no other wand i have ever sold, and that is because the Phoenix that gave this feather is none other then one of the most powerful wizards of this times pet, and it has chosen you to be its only owner. This Phoenix only gave one feather... and it chose you!" Draco looked at Lyra in an unreadable sort of way, he looked happy, yet sad and a tint of jealously was creeping in, but none the less he smiled at her and said "father told us to meet him in the book store." and so with that Lyra thanked Mr Ollivander and they left the shop heading towards the book store.

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