Character Introduction :)

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Hey guys, this is my first Wattpad story I will be writing and maybe the last I don't know, I'm not great at English so if something is the wrong comment and I will update and fix it.

Also, you can call me author-chan because I have read other stories where readers call the author that and I LoOoooove It<3.

Now let's get started.


Mei Sato (Satoshi)

4 quirks (teleportation, mind-reading, fire, and strong energy blasts )

She believes that her mind-reading quirk invaded peoples privacy so she doesn't use it as much as the other quirks, fire is what caused her parents death, she had a hard time using her quirk because of it, she tries to use it as much as possible to get over her fear.

Her mom possesses 2 quirks which are teleportation and mind reading, Her father had the quirk of energy blasts, and her fire quirk was discovered a few years after she inherited her parents combined quirks no one knows as of how or where she got it from.

Mei has medium-length brown silky straight hair, bright browns eyes, about 5'2.

Mei isn't a very emotional character she can be cocky at times but she is overall sweet person, depending on the time or day she can be very anti social 

I hope that was a good introduction to our character. I hope you guys love her, if not then... ouch.

The story will officially now start :)

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