chapter 1

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Mei's pov:

It's been 9 years since mom and dad died, gosh I miss them. I don't know how I have managed to be on my own since then. I mean the government pays for my house and everything but still I wish I had someone to be here with me, I'm always alone, maybe I like it like this... Who am I kidding I hate it, but it's better this way I get to focus more on being a hero than having someone to distract me from my goals.


"I got distracted by my thoughts again, wait I'm going to be late for the exams, shit" I muttered

I look at the time and indeed, I was going to be late.

"I will take a quick shower and then maybe have something to eat, I can just teleport there it's not like I will be that late"

End of pov

The brown-haired girl had little to no stress, she had 4 quirks to help her pass the exams after all, what was there to even worry about.

The time came and she now had to leave for the exams.

Beginning of mei's pov

Ok, breath Mei breath, everything will go by like a breeze.

I looked at the time and it was almost time for the exams, I teleport to my destination in a matter of seconds, I see all kinds of students entering.

I walked in through the entrance when I saw a green-haired boy about to fall, I stare at him not attempting to move from the spot I was standing, I wanted to help but I'm not the best at interacting with others, I could just protect him from breaking his nose or something.

As I was about to teleport to catch him, but then a girl with pink bushed cheeks and big brown eyes and short' ish light brown hair caught him in the air.

"release" I hear.

They had a small conversation where the green-haired boy didn't really talk, he just... stared?

'weird,' I thought

We walk in and take seats, I sat down with two empty seats beside me, I see the broccoli haired boy coming and sitting next to me,

"oh, I- Um hi I'm Izuku Midoriya"

I noticed I was glaring.

"Mei Satoshi, nice to meet you" I attempted to put on a smile, it was hard, after all the times I had no one to smile with or anyone to make me smile for that fact, I pushed everyone and everything away after the incident.

"S-Satoshi as in Sakura and Sora Sato?"

"yea." my smile dropped.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bring it u-"

"oi dumbass shut your trap for a second would you" a blond boy with red eyes gazed at you and Midoriya

'Stop making that face at me it's ugly,' I thought, but unfortunately said out loud

I hate when people can't be respectful and don't have manors


"I said the face your making is ugly. What are you so irritated for? And why don't you have any manners, ask someone to be quite respectfully" she spoke at a very fast speed to end the conversation quicker .

"Just shut up"

"thanks" Midoriya whispered as a loud sound rang through my ears.

It was Present Mic

While Present Mic was speaking I didn't bother to listen, I was lost in my own thoughts until a guy in front of us stood up and said something in the line of.

"UA is a high perfectional school, how could they make such mistakes, blah blah blah"

This whole thing was boring, if my parents were alive I would have a recommendation and I would have got into UA easily, why can't life be easier, why wouldn't the stupid exams start already. ugh.

"Alright get ready for the exams"

Spoke too soon

We were waiting in the area to start the exam when I saw Midoriya about to approach the girl from earlier when I then heard a voice.

" -- your just going to distract her"

"Yeah you're probably right" he muttered


everyone ran to find some robots to fight

I have gotten about 80 points by now

I heard a weird noise coming from behind me, I turn around to see a giant 0 point robot, and I see Midoriya running towards it, my eye went to the girl lifelessly laying down on a damaged robot.

Oh no, he's gonna get killed.

Everything went by really fast, by the time my body teleported to help the girl Midoriya had already smashed the robot and was falling to the ground.
The next thing I knew the brown-haired girl had saved him from falling twice today, as she threw up all over the ground.

~short time skip~

That was a tiring day, too much happened. Now I have to wait for a letter I'm sure I got in... I hope.

~1 month later~

I should probably check the mail

I got a hoodie and went to check my mail.

A letter, with a red stamp. A UA letter.

After opening the letter and all-might explaining everything,

"young Satoshi you have been accepted to UA High, welcome"

I knew it, I hope Midoriya got in and I wonder how that angry Pomeranian did, I hope I don't have to see him around anymore he annoyed the hell of me

End of pov

I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THE FIRST CHAPTER 🥰🥰✨❤️if you didn't... 🔪🙂 now you do.

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