Phone Calls

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Are you not free?

No, I am. I just realized what a shitty idea this was.
We can't go out Calum.

I'm not scared of your brother.

Maybe I am.

Don't worry kitten I'll protect you ;)

"Ugh." I groaned not replying to his message as I stretched out on the couch. I placed my phone on the coffee table and put my hands over my face. Why did I get myself into this mess? This was going to go downhill fairly quickly. I could see the end already and I didn't like it. Why did Calum have to be so damn cute? If he was ugly we wouldn't be having this problem.

"Sweetheart you got a text from.. Fuckboy? Lily." My mom scolded lightly as she sat down at my feet on the couch with me. Snatching up my phone I apologized lightly. Oh god I hoped he didn't say anything too disgusting. "Whose Fuckboy? And what does that mean?" My mother asked as she took the remote from my lap.

"Umm it's like slang for a really hot boy you shouldn't think is hot because he's a jerk.. Sort of." I said waving my hand.

Come on Lily just go out with me.

Good. It didn't say much. And he used my name instead of kitten. "So you're going out with this fuckboy?" I laughed and shook my head.

"No, he wants me to go out with him." I corrected.

"So say yes. Who is it?" I groaned and shook my head.

"I can't tell you." I whined.

"Why not? Come on I'm your mother." She said complaining a bit. In some ways my mom was more like a teenager than an adult. I think that's why she married dad because he was all business.

"I can't because Jake will get mad." My mother seemed to be in deep thought, tapping her chin. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she gasped, putting her hand over her mouth.

"No." She murmured, eyes sparkling.

"What?" She scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand.

"Is it Calum?" She whispered.

"Mom!" I exclaimed jumping off the couch. She sat back, laughing.

"It is! Your reaction proves it!" She exclaimed throwing up her arms. I sat back down in the couch and became very serious with her.

"Mom, you can't tell Jake." I whispered even though he was upstairs listening to some pretty loud music.

"Of course not! You two have those silly rules in place but I knew that you would fall for Calum one day! I just knew it!" She seemed more excited about this than I was.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Well he is pretty cute." I groaned while my mother laughed.


After dinner I was sitting in my room, tapping my pencil against my desk as I tried to concentrate on my homework. I still hadn't replied to Calum. I was nervous and I didn't know what to say. Where would we go? What would our date be like? What if my brother found out?

My phone rang. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. I figured it had to be Kenzie or Maria they were the only ones who liked calling people. "Hey." I said brightly. "Do you understand math? I'm confused."

"I can help you." Calum replied sounding like he was about to laugh.

"What the fuck." I demanded looking at my phone. Calum had called me. Why did Calum call me? Was it too late to hang up?

"Expecting someone else?" He questioned.

"Only my friends call me." I said, surprised that we were talking on the phone.

"Does that mean I'm one of your friends now?" Calum asked.

"I thought you wanted to go out with me?" I replied turning around in my chair.

"We can be friends and date each other." Calum pointed out. "Which is why I called. You're not answering my texts."

"I didn't know what to say." I said quietly, embarrassed.

"Does this help? Talking over the phone?" I stupidly shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. I can't see your face so I guess that's a plus." I said sarcastically, making Calum laugh.

"Says the one staring at me during lunch."

"Um excuse you. I caught you staring Calum." I replied boldly, crossing my arm under the one holding the phone.

"Fine, fine are we going out or not?"

"I don't know." I repeated.

"Well you better think fast. I'm almost there." It was then that I heard the small hum of an engine on his end of the cellphone. He was in a car.

"What!" I shouted at him. Headlights shone down my street and Calum laughed at how frantic I sounded.

"I'm here." He said confirming my worst fears as a black car parked right outside my house. The engine was still on and so were the lights. "Five minutes kitten. Meet me outside." The line went dead and I was shocked. Racing down the stairs I went right up to my mom and hugged her tightly.

"Calum is right outside and he showed up out of nowhere. I'm sorry but he wants to take me somewhere." I explained quickly while she laughed, hugging me back.

"Go ahead!"

"No! Mom, you're not suppose to let me go. You're suppose to march out there and tell him to leave me alone!" I groaned as she pushed me back toward the stairs.

"I'm not doing that now come on! Get ready."

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