Chapter 2

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Liam's POV 

"Louis put that down!, Niall stop eating!, Harry put some clothes on! and Zayn put that mirror away!!!!" It was like looking after small children, I mean seriously they were like 5 year olds, I swear that I was the only sensible one around here. It was about 15 minutes from our meeting with management and Uncle Simon and we still had to get everyone together. I mean Harry was running around the flat NAKED for gods sake! I was ready to give up when there was a knock on the door, jogging over to answer it I yelled over my should "HAROLD STYLES IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CLOTHES ON BY THE TIME I GET BACK I WILL PERSONALLY STRING YOU FROM THE CHIMNEY THEN RUN A SPIKE THROUGH YOU!!!!!!!!!"  Calming down I opened the door to a confused looking Paul, looking all dapper in a black suit with blue tie, "Looking good Paul, can you help me get the guys ready please, I've tried everything, you just heard me threaten Hazza". Paul followed me to the lounge where the rest of the boys were all dressed in their classic outfits, Zayn in his varisity jacket and jeans, Lou in his stripped top and red jeans, Hazza in his blazer and jeans and Nialler in his red polo top and beige slacks looking all inoccent. 

"We don't know what you mean Lili" Louis smiled at me all inoccent "We've been ready for hours" He glanced at Paul who like me wasn't buying a word of it. "Right boys in the van, otherwise I'll follow through on Liam's threat but with all of you!" Pilling into the van I was sat next to the window and Louis, Harry was riding shotgun and Niall and Zayn were in the back, everyone was on their phones either tweeting and checking twitter like me or texting friends/girlfriends/mums. I think Louis was texting his mum, Zayn was texting his girlfriend Zoe, Nialler was tweeting Hazza and Hazza was tweeting Nialler back. Soon we were pulling up to Modest! management and all pilling out of the van, running towards the building racing each other, I won, then BooBear, Nialler, Zayn and Hazza came last. "Hurry up Pauly, you came last!!!" Harry taunted him.

Once we got in to the meeting room and saw Uncle Simon we all ran and jumped on him. It felt like forever since we last saw him but it was about 3 months since the end of the last tour. "Boys, it's good to see you again but take a seat quickly I have something to discuss with you." Squishing up on the sofa with Nialler sat on the single chair, we were ready to listen. "You know you have a tour coming up, we have the name for it, get ready the Where We Are Tour and we also have the dates sorted but we need you to pick a support act seeing as you currently don't have one". Sweet this was the part I loved, finding out the name of the tour and choosing a support act, on the last tour we had another band of 4 Australian guys called 5 Seconds of Summer who were really good and great guys to hang out with, but were especially good to prank. Why not have them back so thats what I suggested, "Guys what about having 5SOS back they were great, the fans loved them, we loved them and they were great guys, pleeeeeeeeeease Uncle Simon" I begged looking all inoccent and using my puppy dog face, none of the boys or Uncle Simon could resist that. "Fine" he breathed out "but you hvae to ring them now and ask and I'll ask their manager"

We all jumped up and started yelling, soooooo happy that they might be coming on tour with us again, pulling out my phone and scrolling through my contacts until I reached my fav band members number, not that I had a favourite they were all great guys but me and him really clicked, dialling his number he picked up on the third ring. "Cal?" I questioned putting him on speakerphone so the rest of the boys could hear, "Yeah dude, you alright?" he replied. "Yeah mate, we have a question to ask you and the guys" I was getting excited now! " Yeah 1 sec I'll go and get them" he was gone for like 2 minutes and all we could hear from the other end of the phone was yelling and the occasional grunt of pain. "Hey dudes!!!!" the other 3 yelled to us "Hey guys!!!!" we all replied "We have a very important question to ask you. You guys free for the next 9 months coz we have a tour coming up like in a month and we want you to be our support act again!!!!!!". Waiting for a response I held my breath, what if they didn't want to come, what if they were busy, we really wanted them to come on tour with us again. "You'll get your own tour bus again and you get to bring 2 people with you????" I said hoping that, that would sway them but I didn't need to worry "Guy's we have an answer and it's HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course we'll come on tour with you as long as we still get what you used to bribe us with but we were going to say yes anyways because we love you guys but don't worry we'll take that as well!!!" 

After all the details were sorted out we returned home to our massive flat to do whatever we wanted until the tour started I text my girlfriend Danni to tell her about the tour and she rang me as soon as she saw the text. "Hey gorgeous" I answered "Liam, we need to talk" she replied not even saying hello which hurt, but when she said that I knew that this couldn't be good. 

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