Chapter 4

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Em's POV

What did he mean I was his sister, I mean I knew that I was adopted but I didn't know anything about my previous life, I didn't know my parents names, where they lived, why they didn't want me, whether I had any siblings let alone a famously gorgeous TWIN brother. I mean A TWIN, the closest I'd ever had to family was Soph, she was my sister no matter what. I'd had a good childhood until my adopted mum had died then all I can remember was abuse. All these thaoughts were rushing through my mind and I had only just managed to finish my conversation with him when he had suggested me actually meeting him and not just that me and Soph actually going on tour with them and the biggest boyband in the whole entire world, they were my world. One Direction. Even hearing their name brings a shiver down my spine, they saved me when I was in my darkest hours, when I was about 16 when things got really bad and mum had just died I got bullied for being the girl with no mum, the weirdo with no family that actually loved her, the adopted one. I used to cut myself and ever since then I have been really self concious everywhere, I always wore bracelets and wristbands or long sleves to cover up all of the horrible ugly scars.

When everything got too much for me I would hide in the basement and do that, now I'm ashamed because whenever someone see's my scars they just judge me on them and try and avoid me, I just want people to get to know the real me. I have dated in the past but they never ended well, I always ended up with the broken heart and no one to glue me back together. I needed a brother or someone to care for me, I mean Sophie already did but she didn't know about my scars and my cutting because I had always managed to hide it from her mostly because I didn't want her to think that I was going to suddenly start it again when things got tough.  

Now Calum said that he was going to get me and Sophie out of here, if he managed that and our dad never found us again I would be eternally grateful to him, I know that he is my big brother by what 2 minutes and he hadn't managed to find me for what 10 years so my adopted parents must not have wanted me to be found, it took experts in their field to even get my phone number. How was he going to do it? and When? While I wait for him to come I know that I will just have to deal with all of the abuse from Nick, I'm never going to call him dad ever again, I never want to even see him again ever but I know that if I don't want him to find out that I know about Calum then me or Sophie can't let anything slip. 

Once I had sorted everything in my head my phone pinged with a message from Cal <3 -

Both of you have all of your stuff packed for Saturday we are coming to get you when he goes to work at 11PM, the only reason I can't come tomorrow is that I have a long flight from Australia to deal with first, that's right Em, your from Australia!!! xxx <3 <3 Don't worry you'll be free soon.


Pacing nervously at the bottom of the stairs with everything we owned packed into 2 suitcases each we waited nervously for the rescue mission. 

Our wait was over the unlocked door suddenly burst open...

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