Chapter 2: A story unfolds

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A wise man once said that friendship is like the crown of life. Is it therefore not true that a relationship of such value and virtue ought to be celebrated? The two boys sitting at a small table in a private corner of the local Chinese restaurant had been friends for several years. This was the reason for their current date.

A waiter came to take their orders. "Welcome to our restaurant," he said, "How may I serve you?"

The first boy, who, judging by the twinkle in his slanted brown eyes, appeared to be the more chipper of the two, spoke first. "Well, Danny?" he said, "Order anything you like. It's my treat."

The second boy, Daniel, whose distinctive features only served to enhance his already strange personality, replied in a soft, almost musical voice. "I think I would like some tea first. Bóu-néi, please. And, Stephen, you like shrimp, don't you? Then, perhaps we can pick some dumplings... I think hā-chéung and hā-gáau will do."

It didn't take long for Stephen to mention his favorite. "Don't forget my fortune cookies!" he said, waving a teasing finger at his friend.

Daniel laughed. "You love them, don't you?"

"You know I do!" Stephen replied enthusiastically.

Daniel smirked. "Do you know the story behind fortune cookies?" he suddenly asked.

Stephen blinked. "No… but you're going to tell me, aren't you?

Daniel gave Stephen a cheeky smile, and Stephen appraised him with silent amusement. Though Stephen was the one with Chinese parents, it was Daniel who had always been more interested in oriental history and folklore. Actually, Daniel was more interested in history and folklore in general, no matter which part of the world it came from.

Daniel chuckled. "You know me too well, Stephen," he said. "The story behind fortune cookies began not so long ago."

As always, Daniel easily slipped into his role of storyteller. "In the far, far east lived an emperor who possessed great dreams and even greater ambitions," he began. "The emperor was anxious, for he had invested much in his future and wished to ensure that those investments bore fruit. For that reason, the emperor sent for a renown fortuneteller."

While Daniel spoke, Stephen noted from the corner of his eye the waiter's unobtrusive retreat.

"The fortuneteller in question hailed from across the vast sea and was reputed to not have made a single wrongful prediction in her entire career. When the emperor's summons reached her ear, the fortuneteller was quick to pack all of her belongings, before leaving. She had already foreseen that she would not return."

When the waiter was gone, Stephen turned his attention back to his friend.

"The emperor, mighty as he was, did not hesitate in his questions. From his high throne, he spoke. 'Great fortuneteller,' he asked, 'what will become of my dream? Of my desire to expand my empire across this entire world?' But the answer he received was not what he wished to hear."

Stephen watched Daniel's mouth move, but the words were only half registering. His friend was always telling stories, many of them fantastic in nature, but Stephen considered himself to be a more grounded person.

He loved listening to Daniel's voice, though.

"The fortuneteller gave her verdict: 'Your aspirations will paint the future red. The final result can only be misery.'"

As Stephen's attention started to wander, he absentmindedly took in Daniel's appearance.

"The emperor protested, 'That isn't true!'"

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