10 | Breaking Point

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A THOUSAND I LOVE YOU'S IN A THOUSAND LANGUAGES couldn't fix the split open canvas of Freya's heart.

Her feet carried her steadily up the stairs, feeling the eyes, the yanking worry on her heels. She walked on with measured breath. But the moment she touched onto the shadowed landing, the hallway swallowed her whole and she was stumbling, tearing breaths past her lips until she fell through his door.

Freya slammed her back against it and just stared.

The window was flecked with teardrops as the sky stared back at her. The sky was screaming, lightning forking down its grey, slashing an angry path down onto the merciless earth below. Freya didn't have enough air left in her lungs to scream.

She simply slid down the expanse of the door and stared. And stared.

The storm outside stared back as she replayed it all over and over again.

Now you know how I feel.

Now you know how I feel.

Now you know how I feel.

If there was a string, tying her to him from this life to the next, she imagined he could feel it, the lightning tearing through her chest, the gaping hole down the centre of her. She imagined he could feel it. Because it was all she could feel.

She sat there, swallowing that sting and ache, dimly aware of what was happening outside of this room of his.

She kept glancing around, half-expecting that this feeling of hers would summon him from wherever it was their souls went to. She wanted to grab that string and tug until her palms were bloody.

Come back. Come back.

Everything. I feel everything.

Downstairs, there was a ruckus. It rang past her ears numbly.

A loud bang, rough and angry, rose up to greet her.

Gray had kicked the crate again.

It was followed by Raina's shout. Raina started screaming his name— Anakin— and then she cut herself off as if the word was a dead thing upon her lips.

The silence that came after didn't last long. Another crash. Fists. Grunts. Shouting. Cursing. Most on Gray's part. More fists. Was there blood?

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