A Dream Within A Dream

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Just one more...
Just one more time is all he asked for...
Just one more day to be with him...
Just one more hour, minute, month, year...
Just one more anything...

He would give anything for just one more glimpse of that boy...
He fell asleep. Tears flowing uncontrolled down his cheeks, wetting the pillow.

Just one more...
He wished for it. He begged for it. He soon fell into deep sleep. His dream began like always. He was alone. Then the boy showed up. His heart would flutter and warm with excitement. He would smile.

The boy would approach him, a mischievous smile gracing his delicate face. He would reach out to the boy, but then the scene would change. The mischief in the smile gone, tears brimming the boy's eyes. "I'm sorry, Lan Zhan," he would whisper. Then the boy would throw himself from the cliff.

He would awaken with a yell. "Wei Ying!" He would come to realize he was no longer there at Yiling. He was in his room. His beloved was not there. His beloved was gone. He would cry, because no one was around to see him. He did not care to be confided by anyone. He only wished to see his beloved just one more time...


One night he fell asleep and dreamed of his beloved once more. Only this dream was different. When the boy approached him, he said, "Lan Zhan, do you want to see me again?" He thought it was part of the dream.

He answered, "See you every night right here in this dream." The boy looked at him, confused.

"Lan Zhan, I mean, do you want to see me one more time?" He is confused by the question, but only nods in response.

"Mn. Wish to see Wei Ying one more time." The boy smiled and his eyes filled with excitement.

"Oh goody! Then I can grant you your wish!" The boy pulled something from his sash belt. It was ChenQing. The boy placed the flute to his lips and began to play a song. He knew what song it was. It was their song. It was the song he'd written for them back in the cave of the Xuanwu. At first, nothing was happening. The boy kept playing the tune over and over. He felt a slight tug, as if something were pulling at him. He glanced downward. A bright light was slowly building and enveloping him. Soon, all he could see was white. The light shone so brightly, he had to close his eyes.

The boy stopped playing ChenQing once the light faded away. "There! Now your wish has been fulfilled!" The boy faded into the darkness.


"...Ji! Wangji! Lan Wangji!" Someone was calling him. "Lan Zhan!" His eyes shot open. He looked around dazed. It took him a moment to take in his surroundings and recognize where he was. He was in the Library Pavilion. A young boy of fifteen sat in front of him, waving his hand in his face, trying to gain his attention. He just stared at the boy blankly. "What's wrong with you today? I've been trying to gain your attention for about five minutes now! You spaced out and fell asleep on me."

Fell asleep? He never fell asleep in the library. It was against the rules. He shook his head slowly. "Nothing is wrong, Wei Ying. Finish copying the rules."

The boy pouted, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks. "But, Lan Zhan, I'm bored!"

He stopped writing the copy of the text he was doing. "Quit being noisy and do as told."

The boy grinned mischievously. "And what will the great Hanguan-Jun do to me if I don't?"

He didn't know how to respond to that, so he remained silent. He stared at the boy for another moment, then went back to copying the text. "Copy, now, or another one hundred will be added on."

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