Act Three

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It took several months for Lan Zhan to heal from all his injuries. During that time, Wei Ying spent most of his time staying indoors next to his husband. No one expected the now seven months pregnant boy to have no energy. He was always so energetic, but seeing Lan Zhan in that state made his energy vanish. He didn't eat or sleep much during those five months. His belly bulged so much he could hardly walk anyway, so he chose to stay indoors. Lan Zhan was in a coma for most of the healing process. The healer had forced him into one, otherwise the young jade would be up and moving despite all his injuries and blindness.

Qiru shook his head when he saw the condition the two jades were in. He didn't like the odds for Lan Zhan. The poor boy was still fighting to stay awake so he could be with Wei Ying. Wei Ying, on the other hand, worried so much, Qiru had to knock him out again.

Qiru sighed. "I just cured him of poison and now this. I swear this boy wants to meet his death." It was a sarcastic remark, but no one paid any heed to it. "I don't know how I'm going to do this for another few months," he remarked after successfully placing Lan Zhan in a coma.

The young Lan had lost a massive amount of blood, along with having several broken bones, and his spiritual energy sealed. It would be a long time before any of those injuries were healed. When Qiren and Xichen heard the news, they were shaken to their very cores. The disciples passing by happened to hear that and sighed with some relief. Xichen and Qiren noticed them and glared daggers at those disciples.

Qiren: "Don't think you're getting out of being disciplined. You aren't safe for even a second!"

Xichen: "If either of us catches you slacking off or breaking any of the rules, your punishment will be two times as harsh as when my brother gives it out!"

Needless to say, those disciples hurried away from there and went back to their chambers to study. When their friends asked why they were like that, they simply replied, "Don't mess with the Lans."

Wei Ying was once again sitting by Lan Zhan's side. The poor boy hadn't eaten anything as he claimed he didn't have an appetite. At least he was taking his medicine without complaining. That was something rare and unseen from him. He had a death grip on his husband's hand. Qiru once tried to remove the boy's hand so he could check Lan Zhan's vitals, but the boy wouldn't budge.

Qiru had to work around him which somewhat hindered his findings. Finally, he convinced the boy it would only be for a moment, and he could return after he was finished.

Wei Ying's belly grew day by day. It was becoming a real problem. Qiru did a check-up on him and found something wrong, only he never mentioned it to Wei Ying. The poor boy had enough on his plate as it was. Instead he told Xichen and Qiren. When the two heard it, they were shocked. Qiren nearly vomited blood.

Qiru: "It seems as though the child isn't developing as it should. It could result in either a stillbirth or worse - he could die. Of course, we can still save it. All we need to do is get Wei Gongzi to eat more and sleep more. Also, feeding him spiritual energy will help as well. It seems the child was affected by the resentment from the statue, which is why he appears deathly pale. Be sure to continue playing the cleansing music. It's vitally important to follow this procedure, or else we will lose this one."

Qiru didn't know it, but Wei Ying had heard everything and was standing right behind him. "Then I will do as you say," he spoke with determination. Qiru jumped a little, but he smiled at him. "Since it's for my child," he looked at and patted his belly, "then I will do anything you say."

Qiru: "So be it then. I will begin preparations immediately. You two should as well." Wei Ying gulped, but he continued on with the determined look on his face. He didn't know what kinds of preparations were to be made, but it was too late to back out now. He'd already said he would do anything.

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