Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang

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The home of the Nie Clan was not overly extraordinary, much like Cloud Recesses. It did have its own unique style as every clan home did. Being composed of mostly grays and browns, the buildings gave off an earthy vibe which was relaxing to look at. In reality, the clan was made up of fierce warriors and strong cultivators who wielded sabers carrying strong resentful spirits. Those spirits would react to the negative emotions felt by their master. As such, each saber could only ever be wielded by a single cultivator, unlike their counterparts, the sword spirits, who could have more than one master at a time if they so chose to.

Nie Mingjue was one such cultivator, and he was the strongest, not only spiritually, but also physically. His physique was tall. He stood above the rest with his height alone. His saber spirit was the strongest within the sect. No one outdid him in any aspect. His only problem being he couldn't control his anger, and so sometimes he would go on rampages during night hunts, killing nonstop.

Xichen was his good friend, having been there for him many times to help calm his rage and ease his mind with music. Nie Mingjue was the sect leader. As such, he was busy in his office with paperwork piled up around him. His brother, Nie Huaisang, was busy drooling over his large collection of rare and exotic fans and paintings. Huaisang was more into arts than he was fighting, and it pissed Mingjue off to no end. He'd even threatened many times to burn the things in his brother's room as motivation to make him train harder, but Huaisang didn't wish to fight. He only wished to be himself. He didn't even want to be leader. He'd rather his brother do it, for Mingjue had more potential in his little finger than Huaisang did in his entire body.

Even Huaisang's cultivation was low, despite having a strong core. Huaisang was a schemer. He could strategize with anything and solve the most difficult of problems with just what he had before him. He could turn anything into a weapon, such as a piece of paper just by folding it the right way.

Xichen found the two in the training grounds. "Huaisang! Pick up your saber and begin again! You keep doing it wrong!" He was hollering at his little brother. Huaisang hated training with a saber. He only wanted to go paint his fans and spend all day writing poetry and reading through his porn books he had secretly stashed away.

Huaisang: "Brother, I am exhausted! Can we not do this anymore?" he whined. What he was really thinking was, I am sick of this! Just kill me now and have it over with! I'm not a fighter like you!

Mingjue glared at him. "No! This training is essential to every clan member. We have to learn how to protect our own and defend our land when the time comes. So no more complaining!"

Xichen was chuckling behind them. "I see you still haven't changed a bit!" Mingjue glowered at the GusuLan Sect Leader. "I have something I must speak to Huaisang about. Is it alright if I steal him away for a while?" Mingjue wasn't happy about it, but he nodded in agreement anyway.

Huaisang felt relieved. "Be back here in two hours, Huaisang! Your training hasn't ended just yet!" Huaisang jumped, hiding behind Xichen in fear. Xichen hid his smile behind his sleeve.

The two departed for the place where Xichen had left Lan Zhan. His brother was still there, only now, the poor boy was trying to transfer energy to his husband. When Huaisang saw Wei Ying's condition, he hurried over to the couple. "Lan Er Gongzi? What is wrong with Wei-xiong?" Lan Zhan really wished Huaisang wasn't there at the moment. He glared at the young boy.

Xichen: "Wangji, he is only here to help. You need to allow him to touch Wei Gongzi. It's the only way he can solve Wei Gongzi's condition." Lan Zhan obliged by looking away, but his grip tightened on his husband.

Huaisang assessed the situation. "I see," he spoke after a while. "I must go consult a physician on this matter. First, tell me. Does Cloud Recesses not contain any specialists for this?"

Xichen: "We do, but they are uncooperative as of late. I don't know why I bothered going to them in the first place."

Huaisang thought for a moment. "May I see the score which was played?" Xichen handed him a copy of it. Huaisang studied it for what seemed like forever. "I see. I am no expert in music, but it seems to me you should play it backwards. It may reverse the spell. This isn't a spell or curse which can simply be deactivated by harnessing qi. Try playing it in reverse first, then we can move forward from there. You should also have the same person play it who did before. That way you don't risk something else happening to the caster."

Huaisang's theory might just work if they could make Lan Zhan release Wei Ying for a few minutes. Lan Zhan did so, reluctantly, allowing his brother to hold Wei Ying instead. Lan Zhan really did not want to play the song again, but he needed to, so he took out Wangji and played the score before him. About five minutes passed. Lan Zhan finished playing the song, but there was no response. He was losing patience. He wanted to hold his Wei Ying.

Huaisang watched closely. There! A dark mass left Wei Ying's body and flew at Lan Zhan. "Shi-xiong! Above you!" he called out.

Xichen moved his gaze upward. Seeing the dark mass, he drew Shuoyue and cut at it. The dark mass dispersed, disappearing in an instant. Wei Ying was laying on the ground. A sudden gasp was heard from him, and he coughed trying to breathe. Wangji was put away with Lan Zhan by the boy's side in an instant. "Wei Ying!" When Wei Ying opened his eyes, all breathed with relief. The beautiful silver eyes were there. There was no sign of any dark energy from him. Lan Zhan was so happy, he nearly crushed Wei Ying in his embrace.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, what happened? Where are we? Why is Huaisang here?"

Huaisang watched intently from the side as the two brothers explained the events which occured while the boy was unconscious. Huaisang smiled at his victory. He only needed to send out spies to search for any information and keep a watchful eye out for the dark mass. Yes - he would do anything for his shi-xiongs no matter the cost.

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