Chapter 10

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"Do you think we'd be good dog owners?" Izuku asked his husband one morning, pausing in front of a row of dog kennels that contained many dogs in many different shapes and sizes.

As of right now, the duo were at an animal shelter in their casual outfits. The animal shelter was running low on help and the Hero duo thought it'd be a good idea to volunteer. They did have the day off anyway. Each month Heroes had at least five days off which they were forced to take either on a roll or separately. This was considered necessary to prevent overworking the daily hard-working Heroes. Katsuki and Izuku decided to get through a day without working. Honestly, Katsuki thought it was nice to relax for once. Izuku wouldn't agree with that though, he'd rather work. He loved his job, he loved saving people. But since he had no choice in the matter he tried his best to relax and enjoy his day off.

"Nah, we're never home. The poor thing would be alone all day." Katsuki muttered, a large opened bag of dog food in his arms as he stood beside the greenette.

"Maybe you're right..." Izuku mumbled, turning to Katsuki and grabbed the cup in the bag, filling it up with dog pebbles, before opening the first kennel that held a small chihuahua. He gave the small animal a pet on its head before filling its bowl.

Izuku and Katsuki moved onto the next kennel, again giving the joyful canine a stroke before filling their bowl. The two did this until each dog had their bowls filled with food. The couple then moved onto the next room which held two rolls of dog kennels on either side of the room. Izuku got to work with Katsuki, filling each bowl one by one, making sure they closed the door properly before moving on to the next dog. Izuku was quiet for a while, a question nagging at him. When they reached the last dog he decided to ask.

"Do...Do you think we'd be bad parents then?" Izuku asked, his green eyes on the ground. Katsuki almost tripped on himself from the sudden question, his eyes wide with surprise.

"A-are you saying you want-" Katsuki stuttered, under the impression that Izuku wanted to adopt kids. Something Katsuki definitely wasn't ready for.

"N-no, of course not! Well...At least not now..." Izuku muttered.

"I just...One day I want to start a family with you, even if the kid isn't related to us. I just wanted to know if you felt the same way or if you think we'd be bad at it..." Izuku explained.

Any shock and worry in Katsuki's red eyes disappeared as his expression softened. He looked away from his husband and at the floor as he thought about it. The more he pictured it; them having a kid, the more he was okay with it. Katsuki knew Izuku would be an amazing father. He wasn't so sure about himself though. If anything, Katsuki swore that if they did end up having a child one day he wouldn't raise the child as his mother raised him. Don't get him wrong, he loved his mother, he just wished she didn't yell at them all day or smack the back of his heads when he was younger. Of course, he would discipline them just as well but with a different approach.

"You'd be a great parent." Was all Katsuki said to answer his husband's question.

"You would be too." Izuku smiled at the blonde beside him.

"Yeah, maybe..." Katsuki mumbled.

"No, definitely." Izuku corrected him. Katsuki cracked a small smile, glancing at Izuku who smiled brightly beside in the corner of his eye.

"One day, nerd?" Katsuki muttered.

"One day," Izuku repeated with confidence.

One day.

One day they'd adopt a child and take care of it as their own. One day they'd be able to call themselves parents. One day they'd have a family. One day. But today wasn't that day. Nor was tomorrow. Nor was the day after tomorrow. One day wasn't near today at all but one day was going to be the day they adopted a child. One day.

"I love you, Kacchan," Izuku said after he kissed his husband on his cheek, his voice soft and sweet. It's been about two years since he last said those words to him.

"I love you too, nerd," Katsuki smirked.

The married couple didn't expect to raise a child anytime soon. Maybe eight years from now. How wrong they were, as the opportunity came sooner. That one day they had yet to prepare for was four years closer than what they thought.


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