Chapter 27~ A Trio's Battle (Part 1)

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I KNOW IT'S A DIFFERENT TITLE, IT'S FOR COPYRIGHT REASONS!!! Also, just an FYI, I have changed this duel around a LOT, because I can't write the whole duel. It would then become boring haha. Just saying I've cut out the "Barian" bit, so Faker was always possessed by the Barian (I DUNNO WHICH BARIAN IT IS HUSH!). And... guys just see how it all goes haha, BUT NO HATING PLEASE!!!

[Shark's POV]

I hate how easily Heartface's last words had affected me. But, he was actually gone, into the abyss. And, I feel a little more remorseful now that this creep is actually gone. As wrong as it sounded, he deserved it in every way. He had tortured me.

Faker seemed so full of himself, an evil grin on his face. But, even though there were 3 of us fighting him and the odds were outnumbered for him, Kite seemed almost scared! I wanted to ask him why, but as if on queue, Faker reveals his reason of amusement.

"I'm not sure any of you know, except Kite, but I have tapped into an intergalactic power that makes me the all-intelligent being! I am now the smartest human in this universe! You guys stand no chance!" He then transforms into some kind of terrifying cyborg, half of his body covered in metal. His stance was almost professional, a little laid back on the elevated platform and ready to duel. I don't think he was lying about the "all-powerful genius" bit because it really does seem like he was 100x smarter than all of us put together.

I have to be grateful that Yuma was actually on our team because he was the one supplying us with encouragement and hope. Just like his card! "Faker, we don't care how good your cards or knowledge is, because we'll beat you either way! We have each other, and the bond we share is too powerful for you to sever!" More cackling, and the urge to punch Faker square in the face just got greater.

"You think your 'friendship' will help win against a genius?! You're all a lot more shattered and different than you think! Kite, you're only ever good at hurting others!" I see Kite subtly hunch over, Faker now getting to his head. But, he recovers in a split-second, gritting his teeth back up to his father. "Reginald, your too full of yourself and hate teamwork!" That definitely hurt, but not as much as it used to. Quite frankly, I didn't care. Neither did Kite. I think it was Kite's strength and words for me were what softened the impact. I grimace at the thought of Faker using my real name, and pull down my eyebrows, sending all my loathing to his direction. He's trying to mess with us even more than Vetrix was! "And Yuma, you're just like your father! You're arrogant and selfish, yet you put all your hope in "friendship" and "the flow" and all that nonsense!"

I knew, as soon as he said that, that Yuma was hurt, angry at the foul words being said about his father. I didn't know his father much, but by the way he talks and idolises about him, it seems like he loved him very much. I understand how he felt, but he would lose sense of everything through his anger, so he had to stop. "Hey! Don't you DARE talk about my fa-"

"Yuma!" I try and get through to him, and am flooded with relief when he listens. Anger is a very dangerous emotion to play with, and it can sometimes blind you, so the fact that Yuma could still see and hear me was a good sign. "We don't have time for this! Don't let Faker get to you! We have a duel to win, remember?" He blinks slightly, zoning back into his goal, and smiles brightly.

"Oh yeah! Let's get started!" We all put on our duel gazers and duel disks, ready to battle, Kite also transforming with his Photon powers. I was a little concerned for him when he used it though, knowing that he was slowly being torn apart by using it. But, I'll worry about that after we start duelling.

It's Faker's turn first, who had the upper hand of 12000 points, whilst we are hanging low on a mere 4000 points. We would need some kind of unbelievable trick to turn things around, but I have a good feeling that we will win. Or maybe it's Yuma's positivity reflecting off him?

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