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Patrick O'Connor

My lungs burn and my muscles ache as I charge up the hill toward the coordinates Ford dispatches to my GPS, as fast as my legs will take me.. He's a brilliant strategist, so I trust in Jackson's knowledge and that the vantage point he's selected for me to set up and take my shot, will be a prime position..

West and Paxton conduct their check ins and I receive the transmission through the small high tech earpiece that Paxton and the CIA provided.. West's voice is the first I hear, his breathing shallow as if he is on the move.. "Encountered hostiles, south-east entrance. Alpha one - clearing the way..."

A few seconds later, Paxton's response comes through.. "Bravo team, approaching check point one.."

My legs continue to pump, my blood rushes in my ears and my adrenaline starts to kick in as I reach the halfway point of the steep incline, I push through the burn and make my check in through heaving breaths.. "Alpha two.. almos' in position.."

I'm a few feet from to the hills peak when Paxton's target objectives come through.. "Primary objective - capture target alive, then secure the asset.."

I reach the crest of the hill as my GPS bleeps to indicate I have reached the correct location.. When I look down over the flats below I can see a lock up compound all lit up against the black skyline.. Figures move about in the uncovered windows of a second story room.. I drop to my knees, swinging the rifle from my shoulder, I shift my weight moving to my stomach, steading the weapon with one hand underneath, one on the trigger as it stretches out in front of me..

I bring the scope to my eye..

The sight I see is gutting.. Sickening..

West's voice crackles in my ears.. "Alpha one - in position.. Are you seeing this Alpha two, Bravo?.."

I'm seeing it alright, my sweet, innocent Yevie, exposed and held down by two of the Senators henchmen, while Michael Ryan himself stands over her miniscule form, reaching into his pants.. Bile rises in my throat and Paxton's voice comes through, loud and panicked..

"Hold your fire.. forty-five seconds, Bravo approaching final position.." Paxton orders..

Fuck that..

I'm not waiting another second, and I'm positive West knows that, it would explain his great rush to get into position.. I inhale deeply holding my breath while lining up the senator in my crosshairs and at the base of a slow exhale my finger squeezes a snappy response against the trigger.. I feel no hesitation, no remorse, no regret.. There is no room for doubt in my mind.. The action is as simple to me as flicking a switch, exactly as I was trained..

The thundering crack of the rifle rings in my ears and the recoil of the stock sends a familiar sharp jolt from my wrist through to my set shoulder..

My shot lands dead on target.. It always does..

"Shit.. Alpha team go!" West orders Alpha team to move in while I line up the henchmen holding Yevie and fire off two more rounds, taking them both down..

"God Damn it! Bravo team, move!" Paxton and West both order their forces to storm the building.. I fire off more rounds, taking out as many of the swarming guards around Yevie as possible, though they seem to just keep coming.. After downing several more, I drop my rifle and push up to my feet, taking off at a sprint down the hill towards the compound, cold wind whipping at my face..

In a matter of minutes my boots are pounding their way through the compound gates, my adrenaline spiking as a guard rushes me from the side.
I sweep low, taking out his leg with a kick, while simultaneously pulling the knife strapped to my side.. I stab the thin blade into his neck as his back hits the ground, his death instantaneous..
I stand and take off running again, now approaching the same entry point that West and Ford had used only a few minutes ago..

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