Simplicity (Levi x Reader) Repost

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You had known Levi for many years. You had known him when you first started out in the survey corps, all the way till you were also a Squad Leader. You had worked for 5 years in the Survey Corps. You had been on many missions and expeditions. You had seen terrible, horrible things…yet you smiled. A smile can mean many things. Everyone has a reason to smile, and just like everyone else, you smiled. When Levi broke down after his squad had passed, you brought his food to him. You at first didn’t do anything, but soon tried to cheer him up. Telling him they are his guardian angels now.

You would sit down and serve his tea, just to make sure he was eating or drinking. You cared for him the few times he had gotten sick. Even ‘Humanities Strongest’ needed a break every once in awhile. You loved sitting and having short conversations with him. Always noticing the small details about him, even though he was so secretive, you wanted to know him better.

He knew this of course. He didn’t want to become attached to anyone else. He was afraid. Afraid to lose someone close to him once more. He had shut himself away, and yet you managed to break open that door. No matter what he did or said, you smiled. Each passing day he fell more in love with you. Yet, he didn’t want to admit it. He loved when you told him about your promotion, how joyous you were. He loved how happy you were to see him. He loved when you and your squad would drop by to say hello, even if it was out of your way.

It was the small things that got to him. Your smile, your laugh, you were a beacon in a world so dark and cruel. You had shown so bright, and showed him the way out.


“Cadet (Y/N), meet Captain Levi. He will be supervising the trainees today. I hope you perform well, if he doesn’t add you onto his squad, I just might.” You had beamed at the commander’s compliment. But, your smile was cut short by Levi’s cold cut voice.

“She’s only titan bait. I doubt she is that good with the 3D maneuver gear.”

Erwin sighed and apologized to you quickly, “Sorry, he’s not exactly friendly. But he is humanities strongest. Anyways, you should get in line-up. Good luck!” he smiled at you and you saluted him.

“Thank you sir! I hope to prove the Captain wrong.”

-End of flashback-

And so that was the first time you both had met. He had a scary look to him, but that didn’t scare you. He always tested you, trying to prove you wrong, or just making you feel like you didn’t belong. But he loved your reactions.


It was the first winter when he felt something towards you, he hated it at first. He had lost his squad that year. You took care of his needs, but he realized you had to have a life too. So he tried helping you if you got in trouble with other squad leaders by saying that you had been helping him so you were late to training. Even though you had woken up late, he knew you were exhausted. On top of training in the higher class squad, you had to take care of him.

It had been snowing that day, it was beautiful. But your face is what made him smile. He quickly recovered and watched you stare out the window. He had been standing by the doorway and then he heard you speak.

“Oh my Wall Maria! Look at the snow! Oh my gosh!” you squealed in delight and quickly ran over to the doorway in the lunch hall. Only to run into the Captain, it was strange because he never left his room. He looked at your figure with shock, not only because you ran into him. But the fact that you both had fallen to the ground had left him in shock.

Your face had become so red it was rather amusing. You spoke hurried apologies and a sloppy salute quickly appeared on your shaken figure. All he did was stare.

-End of flashback-

Love was a funny thing, on how it could hurt. How it could be so warm. It never could be perfect, especially since it was a dangerous world.


“Be careful today.” He had spoken in a monotonous tone. He had found out you had been promoted to a squad leader. It was your first expedition as one. And he was terrified.

Please let her be safe when we get back…

He always cursed these feelings that had grown inside his chest. He could only long to see your smile as your rode forward into the dangerous world.

-Time skip-

It was halfway into the mission and a retreat was signaled. Levi went to round up the last of the troops, and you had been nowhere in sight. His heart had sunk in his chest; he quickly motioned for his horse to quickly maneuver throughout the landscape. He searched and searched, but to no avail.

Maybe she was just on the front of the lines.

He hoped he was right, because that meant you were on your way back to the wall. He silently prayed that you were alright and began to head towards the walls and snowflakes began to fall as he raced back.

-End of flashback-

Truth be told, he knew he cared for you by that time. He had a hard time accepting it. It turned out that you were alright. It would be the one time you ever saw him cry.


“(Y/N)!” he burst into your office looking around, he saw you were sitting on your bed. You had your head resting in your hands, and your body shook slightly as you breathed. He quickly grabbed your shaking figure and squeezed you. He felt something warm trickle down his face. A salty taste suddenly appeared in his mouth.

“L..Le…Levi?” your voice was quiet, almost as if your throat was sore. He knew better. He quickly pulled away and grasped your hands with his right hand and his left pulled your face upwards. Revealing your puffy eyes, your tears were still flowing down your face like a small stream. He then cupped your chin and leaned in. Of course your eyes widened, you didn’t react. You couldn’t move. When he pulled away he held your hands with his own. Looking into your (E/C) orbs he spoke in a soft whisper.

“Shhh….I’m here…it’s ok…it will be alright.”

-End of flashback-

    After that you had been together, a happy ending it what it should have been. A year passed and it was winter once more. But this time it wouldn’t be the same.

    He had bought you a ring; after all, he knew he could lose you any day. You had talked about quitting the survey corps for him after Christmas and he had agreed. You both would start a family together hopefully. You didn’t know about the proposal, so he had made a big surprise for you, through it was difficult to get Hanji onboard, she had such a big mouth. Yet, there were no other female cadets or superiors that knew you better than Hanji.

   It was a simple ring that any simple man could buy. It was all he could afford; being a soldier you didn’t get paid much. It was white gold; it was a little fancier because Erwin had agreed to help out by giving him a Christmas bonus. It was still pretty simple though.

   He told (Y/N) that his room had to be cleaned because some shitty brat messed it up. You had just questioned why he didn’t do it himself. But, it was worth lying. When you had opened the door candles were lit on the floor in a heart on top of small paper circles. (Since he didn’t want his floor dirty.) He had roses sent in from a flower shop in town. So roses and petals scattered the floor (Even though it drove him insane. He put up with it)

   Your eyes had filled with tears as he had stepped into the room and knelt on one knee, a small blush appearing on his stoic features. He didn’t even pull the ring from his pocket when you had leaned down and touched the rose petals softly. He looked at you, clearly embarrassed. All you could do was cover your mouth because you were crying and laughing at the same time.

    “(Y/N), I’m not good with cheesy shit. So here is a question. You don’t have to say yes. I know I am difficult,” he gritted his teeth as he recited the words Hanji had written down for him to memorize; “I can be an ass. Or even hot tempered, I’m not exactly husband material. Yet you decided to love me anyway. So will you do the honor of becoming my wife?”

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