An Angels Beggining (Levi x VictoriaSecretModel! Reader)

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A figure trembled as she walked into the now silent room. She stood at a (Y/H), and had (E/C), with (H/C) locks that was a (H/L). She was only in a pair of lingerie that had been picked. A basic black bra and bikini cut bottom. 

The people who stood in front of her had tape measures, and judgemental faces. A wave of nervousness took over her figure as they approached. She didn't know how to react as they came at her left and right, "Tsk"ing as they went about their work. A man with raven hair sat at the table that three other people had sat. 


They were to determine if she had this job or not. As the people who measures the womans figure crowded into her personal bubble, she felt anxiety. Till he had spoken up. 

"Hey! Assholes! Can't you see she is uncomfterable?" his grey eyes glared at the huddled group of messengers who now backed away hastily. "Back off of her. She needs to breathe."

The female took a deep breath as the man looked at her, his raven locks were slicked back in a neat manner. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a man to his right who had blond hair and a set of thick eyebrows.

"She doesn't fit the criteria, she's not exactly fit to be a model....she has....flaws."

"Tsk....Erwin, stop giving a damn about flaws. Girls have potential, I believe this one does. Look at her,"  the raven man barked as he pointed to your frozen figure. A woman who sat next to the raven haired man nodded her head.

"Levi is speaking the truth, every girl is unique. I think we need a model who is different than the rest. It can give the world a different point of view...expecially since she is only (Y/H)" the woman pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose upwards, creating a gleam. A smile played at her lips as she turned to look at the blond man reffered to as "Erwin" by the raven haired man. Levi....

The blond man nodded his head sighing, standing up he walked to the girls figure and held out his hand.

"Alright, Miss (Y/N) (L/N). Welcome to Victoria Secret.

-------Time Skip-------

That had been a year ago, and that same girl had met many hardships becoming a model.

Skin care routines, body workouts, spray tans, makeup practice, photoshoots.

It all had been tedious and rather painstaking. She had at first been looked down upon by the famous models that covered the Victoria Secret magazines. But slowly that girl had gained respect, and even some friends. Such as Sasha, who had eating problems but still maintained a good physical figure. 

"Hey, (Y/N)! You know the fashion show planning starts this week right?" she spoke with a candy bar in between her lips. The timid female she had spoken to perked her head up and smiled as she folded a robe over her lingerie. 

"Yes," she responded. "Isn't Mr. Ackerman designing the costumes?"

Sasha nodded to the female's question and pointed off to the direction of the offices, she then spoke in a michevious tone, replying to the (H/C) haired model. "He is looking for you."

The newbie model had now grown adjusted to the victoria secret head quarters and headed towards the designer's office. As she walked down the hall, she quickly adjusted herself to be presentable.

When the door had opened to reveal a raven haired man, the girls eyes had widened in shock.

"M..Mr....Mr. Ackerman, I was just coming to see you!" she stuttered. He looked at her amused by her actions, a quick blush formed of the females face and she lowered her head. 

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