Goodbye My Love (Levi x Reader) Repost

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Your eyes brimmed with tears as you looked at the giant holding your figure. The monster stared at you a huge grin on its face. Beady little eyes stared at you as it salivated, tears rolled down your own face. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you close your eyes screaming in pain, your shrieking voice echoed throughout the woods but you knew it was in vain. Before you knew it, the grip tightened around your body and you heard cracks as shooting pains took over your body. Your head rolled back and saw a break in the trees viewing the sky. Happy memories flooded your mind as you awaited your death. He couldn’t save you this time…


“Levi, what are you doing?” your voice was cheerful as you cracked the door of his office open. Only to hear the sound of breathing and silence mixed together. As you opened the door to his office, you stepped in cautiously, you then began approaching his desk which was cluttered with paperwork. A smile appeared on your face as you walked over to him. You set the papers down that you had brought from Hanji, and then caressed his face gently. Your eyes glanced at the papers he was looking at. They happened to be the incoming cadets from training.

“(Y/N)…no….don‘t leave…(Y/N) I love…..” Levi’s voice was but a whisper. Your eyes widened in surprise as you glanced at him.

“He….loves… me?”


-End of Flashback-


Another scream erupted from your lips as the titan raised you towards his mouth. You could no longer feel your legs or lower back. You were paralyzed. The monster had clear intentions of making your blood run. You couldn’t do anything to stop it. Squeezing your eyes shut, your screams turned to sobs.


“Y/N!” his voice rang in your ears as you leaned against the tree, a wound on your arm. You had crashed into a tree. The right side of your body was bloodied. Warm arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his chest. “Y/N….” his voice breathed in relief as he smiled. He actually smiled knowing you were alright.

“Captain….” Your voice was in pain as you spoke. He held his finger up to your lips as he pulled away from you.

“Levi…you know it’s Levi…please…just call me that…” after those words he pulled you into another embrace. “I love you…(Y/N) please don’t leave me.” You heard his voice strain. It took you a moment before you melted into his embrace.

“I’m always here for you Levi…I love you as well.”

-End of flashback-


Tears had run down your face. They burned your eyes, and blood covered your uniform. The wings of freedom stained in teammates and your own blood. So many thoughts crossed your mind. What will everyone do? Who will join Hanji at annoying and pranking the new cadets? Who will bring Levi his tea? Who will tease him about his godly cleaning skills? You sighed in defeat inside your head. Oh Levi….I’m sorry I broke a promise we made….


“What were you thinking!?” Levi’s voice made you cringe as he paced back in forth in front of you.

“Levi I-“

“No.” he cut you off. You shrank back from the menacing tone in his voice. “You almost died today. All for a stupid brat!”as his voice rose you grinded your teeth together in anger.

“I was following orders! I couldn’t stand by and ignore what I was told to do!” you stood in front of him. Your fists were clenched by your sides. “I will die eventually!” with those four words Levi had stopped pacing. His eyes were cold as he stormed up to you grabbing both of your upper arms in a tight grasp.

“Let go of me!”


“Levi I swear to god when I die-“

“I won’t let that happen!” his voice was still raised but it had a softer tone to it. You winced slightly at his grip but a fire was burning inside you. He just happened to pour gasoline on it.

“You don’t know that! I could just get eaten one day when you aren’t there. You can’t protect me and shield me! You’re only human! We don’t get happy endings in the Corps! You know that!” your voice dripped with venom and your heart cracked at the words that spilled from your mouth. His grasp on your arms loosened and his hands fell to his sides. Hurt clear in his eyes. Before you could take back what you said he grabbed your shirt and pulled you closer smashing his lips against your own. After a minute you pulled away from each other. Your expression full of shock the anger had disappeared almost all together.

“I am only human (Y/N). But no force on this earth can prevent me from loving and protecting you. Just promise you won’t die on me…please live for us. So we can have a happy ending?”

“Ok….I promise I won’t die. Just don’t be a butt got it?” You sighed in defeat. His kiss always washed he bad things away. You were safe for now…so you tried to enjoy it while it lasted.

-End of Flashback-

Your head hung low as you looked at the now gaping mouth of the titan. Your (H/C) was blood covered, Sticky, and disgusting. Levi would definitely disapprove. You looked around you, weakly of course. Your body was going numb and your vision white. It was hopeless but you couldn’t help but want your prince to save the day. It was too late and you knew it. As the titan lifted you higher into the air making your figure dangle above its bloody mouth, one last thing escaped your lips. It was time to say goodbye to this cruel but beautiful world after all….


In the distance you swore you heard someone call your name as you felt the pressure release from your body. You were falling, and your vision went black. The sound of teeth shutting and the snapping of the titans jaw was the last thing you heard but a scream. Even then you weren’t even sure if it was your own.

Authors Note:

Ok then this is done yay….bleh had a crappy day at school. Levi was on the brain trying to distract me. Welp hope you enjoyed

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or the sexy Rivialle but ya know he owns you

Ugh so sad I just can’t. This was inspired by Say something by Christina Aguilera ft. A Great Big World, and Human by Christina Perri. Attack on Feels guys. Time to write fluffy stuff

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