Chapter 2

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(Author's P.o.V)

The four women were silently drinking their tea, The Aihara felt extremely uncomfortable under Yuzu's stare, but she didn't complain.

She had already explained her situation, it's been already two hours since shes been in the Okogi's residence.

She could observe just how worried Matsuri was, she would always ask 'Does it still hurt?' or 'Can I help you with anything?' it confused her.

But what confused her is how much had the Misuzawa changed in general, she used to be much more smaller than Mei was but now she was slightly taller than her, Matsuri's aura had also changed, she felt more.. mature.

Her hair was still the same length, and you could she that she stopped dyeing it after a sometime, it was half its usual pink color, and half a really pretty shade of black, Mei thought that it suited her more.

'W-wait why am I thinking about this brat..? She used to be nothing but trouble during high-school.'

The Headmaster blushed a light shade of pink at the thought of the younger woman. Mei slowly drifted into thought.

She had to admit, The little brat had matured and grown well, she had beautiful features, and she looked like she had been working out, rough and steady shoulders, she could feel her muscular back through her hoodie.

Her face had became more, masculine but was still gorgeous nonetheless. Such beautiful sapphire eyes, back when she had found her Mei could've swore they were glowing in the dark, they had drew her in ever since they first met.

Her style in clothing hadn't changed one bit, Mei always thought her closet was full only of over-sized hoodies. But now let's get back to the issues at hand.

"So that's were you got that, scar on your face." Announced the Taniguchi, the woman had been stroking Yuzu's back the entire time.

Mei knew what she had done was wrong, she still had nightmares about it, but she thought maybe Yuzu would've got over it like she did.

"Do you have anywhere to stay now?" Asked Matsuri. She looked extremely angry right now. "N-no not really but-" Was all Mei got out until The pink-haired girl cut her off.


"You'll be staying at my place till you get a divorce." 'WHAT.'

Mei didn't understand why would the other woman offer that, they were never close, but after all she didn't have anywhere else to go, her father was still the fool he had always been.

Mei tried telling him what she's been going through but he would never listen.

After awhile she gave up trying to seek any kind of help from others when it came to her husband. Him and her mother..

They're the only people she truly wishes to see on their knees begging for forgiveness. It's not like she will forgive the monsters who made her suffer through her whole life.

"Hey Mei.. Would you umm mind having dinner with us?" Asked Yuzu. The Aihara couldn't believe it, she just nodded slowly keeping the Misuzawa's jacket tight around her.

'Smells like Vanilla..' Thought the Headmaster. While the couple were coming with the numerous plates filled with delicious foods, a knock on the door was heard.

Matsuri left her place on Mei's right side, The raven-haired girl didn't seem to enjoy that, she just growled under her breath, missing the others warmth.

The Misuzawa then opened the door revealing a young woman out of breath that seemed like she was clinging to her life. "I-I's so sorry for being late Matsuri-chan! Today were many clients and and-"

Matsuri just dragged her in. "Geez it's okay Nene, we had an emergency so we're only having dinner now, you're not late."

The girl just shot her a soft glare before her eyes landed on Mei, she looked slightly confused but after a second she quickly panicked an looked at Yuzu.

"M-matsuri-chan, what is Aihara-san doing here..?" Matsuri just touched Nene's shoulder and tightened her grip on it, she then softly whispered something only the 2 could hear.

"If you badmouth Mei in any shape of way, I won't hesitate in hurting you, Nene-chan."

The other woman just nodded while trembling, after Nene settled in, they all started having dinner.

It was quiet and filled with some tension, but nice nonetheless. Mei had trouble eating since she had jammed one of her fingers, Matsuri helped her with everything she needed thought.

'She's being so nice to me.. Why thought?' Thought The Aihara. After they finished eating, they knew it was time to go.

"Aaahhh..~ Thank you for the meal, Onee-chan." Said the pink-haired woman while she patted her belly. "Yes love, you had outdone yourself once again."

Mumbled lovingly The Taniguchi while kissing her wife's cheek. "Awh, geez guys! It's really not that big of a deal!" Replied Yuzu while laughing and scratching the back of her head.

Nene just stuffed food in her face and reclaimed loudly. "Yes Yuzu-senpai! This is amazing!" She then continued eating.

Mei was a little, hesitant but she complimented nonetheless. "It's just like I remember it, thank you for the food Onee-chan."

Even after their parent's divorce, they still had their sisterly bond.

The Okogi just nodded her head and smiled awkwardly. Matsuri then sat up and took Mei's hand to also help her get on her feet.

"Well then, we'll be off." After saying their goodbyes, the pair had already started walking to Matsuri's place.


Halfway through their walk, Mei had noticed the other woman slightly shivering from the cold, she didn't say anything though.

"Come here." Said softly the Aihara, she had placed Matsuri's big jacket around the both of them, they both then blushed a light shade of pink.

The Misuzawa didn't reply, she just wrapped her arm around the other's waist.

After another 10 minutes of walking, Mei had noticed that they had arrived to the destination. 'This is a pretty big and expensive apartment complex.'

Thought the Headmaster to herself. After they had got inside Matsuri's place she had just gave Mei a pair of pjs.

"They might be a bit big on you, Sorry." Mumbled tiredly the Student. "You can just sleep with me, I won't touch you or anything."

After changing, Mei went to what she assumed was Matsuri's bedroom and the younger woman had already fallen alseep, the bed was king sized so she wouldn't have to complain about her personal space.

She gently put the blanket around herself and the other, slowly drifting into the dream world herself.

~To be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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