Part 2 (Chapter 9-15)

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9, A Shrill Scream

Whitewater Heights 2002

It was noon in Whitewater Heights, students were having lunch in the cafeteria, townsmen were either driving back home or stopping by the diner for their lunch hour, while Jade was having hospital brewed coffee and being interrogated for her stepfather's suspected murder.

"I would like to get information of your whereabouts," Detective Browne started, as he pulled open a small notepad, "before we start, I must remind you that it is a crime to lie to an officer of the law."

Detective Browne seemed excited to start this interview. His left knee was bouncing up and down and it was clear that he was trying to hide a smile. To him, he finally felt like a hero; the brave town detective inching away at a murder investigation. To Jade, he seemed odd. Who would be this giddy to start a murder investigation? She thought to herself.

August was dead for no more than three hours when Jade was alerted of suspected foul play. Who would've done this? Does the detective have any leads yet? Am I being interrogated as a suspect? Her mind continued to race with anxiety and worry. Jade was an editor and was well-versed in these types of storylines— the first suspect was often the killer. But this isn't some story. Jade reminded herself. This is a real muder investigation.

"I understand detective," Jade responded, "could you specify the timing of my whereabouts?"

Detective Browne opened the first page to an empty detective's notepad and started jotting down random information about Jade's appearance. A part of him had to stay professional and calm, but another part of him wanted to leap upwards in child-like joy— he finally found the case of his dreams.

"Well," Detective Browne continued, "let's start with your arrival here in Whitewater Heights."

"I drove in here two days ago," Jade said, "and I arrived right as the sun was setting."

"We have reason to believe that the period of assault would be yesterday some time in the afternoon," Detective Browne reasoned, "where were you during this time?"

Jade knew exactly where she was. She was fast asleep at the Inn from her much deserved three-anxiety-pill dosage. Would he believe me? What if he thinks I'm lying? Am I even allowed to take more than my prescribed anti-anxiety dosage? She thought to herself.

"Yeah, I was still asleep at the Inn," she explained, "I was exhausted from my long drive from San Francisco you see."

Who sleeps through the day? Must be some San Francisco thing. Detective Browne thought to himself. She might've been here in the clinic, who knows?

"Do you have anyone to confirm your alibi?" Detective Browne asked.

"I checked into the Inn with a woman named Victoria, I think," Jade continued, "I was woken up by a call from my Aunt Grace here in the hospital, and you can check with Victoria she has my car keys if that means anything to you."

"What about before you came to town," Detective Browne asked, "what urged you to return to Whitewater Heights? When was the last time you even talked with your stepfather"

"Well," Jade started, "my aunt told me that my stepfather, August, was checked into the ICU ere at the local clinic, but —"

Suddenly, she remembered her strange call with August. Even stranger, she remembered the call from Mrs. Graham. She screamed. Jade thought to herself. Why was she screaming? Did she see something she wasn't meant to? Was it her? I don't know. But her shrill scream was chilling.

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