chapter I

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Hayyy it's been way way too long. Sorry adout that, I was busy doing my homework and catching up with work. Anyway, Hope you are all looking forward to that adventures you are going to have. And I will try post as often as I can but, no promises. Now let us begin shall we.~~~~~~.

It has been a week since it happened you were sitting in your room thinking what happened that day since he disappeared. No one knew where he went, or how he got there. All we knew was that he just vanished without a trace. After 3 or 4 days of trying to search for him they all gave up saying that he was gone on completely.

Your thoughts were cut off by your bedroom door opening to the sweet smell of (food). You decided to stop thinking for a moment and just let your mind wander to whatever it wants to.

As it gradually went downstairs a white-haired man pops his head around the corner, greeting you with his famous closed eye smile. It gets you every time it makes your heart beat loud as a drum and get butterflies in your stomach.

As you continue going downstairs into the kitchen you were tired with hugs and kisses on your cheek. The car she was wonderful to be around he would have you around the house, even got used to cars. Well of course he was the copycat ninja after all. The only reason why you know that Kakashi is the copycat Ninja, is because of him telling you is home village and some of his childhood of course he didn't tell everything but it was enough. Neither one of you would push each other to tell them what your past was like. That you both respect and each other and that's all you need.

Once Kakashi let you go is sat at the table waiting for him to finish what he was cooking. You let your mind wander to wherever it wanted to go. But it went to where you never wanted it to go to.


"Plz... stop i-AHHH." Tears kept running down your cheek.

The pain and agony you can't take it much longer. You wish your parents were still here... You wish the didn't leave... You wish you beg them to stay and love you... But that never happened, instead you just let it happen... just, like, now. just let it happen.

"Hay little brat! Are You Even Listening!" He kicked you once more. Gave up after a couple more times.

"You useless brat..."

End of flashback

Your mind came back to earth once a delicious smelling plate of food with sat right in front of you.

"Are you ok you seemed a bit pale"

"Yeah I'm fine I just had a bad memory that's all nothing to worry about"

You can tell that he was not very convinced but he let it slide knowing that you weren't ready to talk about it. You only have known Kakashi for about more than a week and yet it seems to you he's easy to talk to and get along with. Once again you let your mind wander.

In the past when you were just a child you don't have very many friends you're always the one that's left out, just sat alone on the bench watching other children play. You really didn't mind it you just where just sitting quietly reading a book of some sort or watching the fluffy white clouds go by. Even as a teenager you were still that one person who just walked around the playground every lunch and break. Getting lost in your own thoughts having the peace and quiet. Your thoughts were cut off by kakashi's voice you didn't hear what he.

"Sorry what was that? My mind wandered off somewhere"

He gave a sigh before answering

?Are you sure you're ok you've been soning out quite a lot recently and I feel like you're... kinda.. distant so please tell me if-"

you cutting seem that concerned look on his face media heartache. Because she was truly worried worried about you but he didn't want to tell him your memory you had with him so you cut him off completely to comfort him.

"No no I'm fine. Sorry for soning out. I have a lot of my mind."

You stood up out of your chair walked over to work at your setting he looks very worried and sad that you aren't paying attention to him.

You bent down turned and so he was facing you you and kissed him on the lips passionately evil saying.

"I'm sorry I will make it up to you and I promise I'm not being distant alright." you asked with a kind smile on your face.

Than you he replied and gave you a lovely hug and smiled.

Wants you to let go of the hug Kakashi came up with an idea.

"I know all about we have a date night tomorrow we can relax and we could go on a walk together. how does that sound?"

"That sounds lovely" you replied with a smile on your face.

"I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend." You said to yourself happily.

A look at that finish the first chapter of book 2. sorry it took a long time I have been meaning to do this for a while, so yeah. I'm really sorry you had to wait this long to get this new chapter but I hope you like it.

Your dear author or whatever you want to call me.

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