chapter 2

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Tenten pov

me and the group just finished a Mission. Once we got to the gates of Konoha we were immediately summoned to be at grama tsunadas soon as we got inside we saw a fully grown man crying on his knees,

His hair was a bole cut. He was wearing unusual clothing. it took me a while to recognise him but...

"GAI-SENSEI!" All of us yelled

In a flash of light, sensei ran towards us and crushed us with a gentle huge, plus surrounding us with a pool of salty water. I could  here Lee bursting out with tears mumbling Gai-senseis name.

Breaking away form the hug. We began to tell sensei how much we mist him. Saying how he was and where he when. Soon after that we all went to get rawmen, to separate the return of our sensei.

Gai-senseis told us all about his journey in the other world. With these nettle stings called cars, and how he met a woman.

"I was great training with you again sensei but do we have to do 300 laps around the village." I wanted as we only bone-

"30! Sorry tenten but as we all know that you ar only suppose to have a little for of screen time isn't that right neji!"

Neji only crossed his arms and node lightly.

With Kakashi

Is Friday night Kakashi and you are having a date night you both the sitting on the couch comfortably watching a movie with popcorn and other snacks it was all going to move Lee until there was a knock at the door if you were confused since it was 10 in the afternoon.

If you got to stay sat down since you had a long week dealing with children, at the primary school you worked at. Kakashi got up to see who or what was at the door.the movie was paused due to the unexpected knock. As you where waiting the only light that illumination thought the room was from the TV.

You swing a captive of the warm fluffy blanket you could have fallen asleep if I wasn't for kakashi to come back with his usual experience, but despite the plan look on his face you know that something is up but you brushed it off.

Through out the movie you couldn't help but wonder who was at the door. Once it was finished you decided to ask him since I will bother you.

"You want to know who was at the door?" He looked at you with wide eyes. "I don't think you what to lotus" he looks away this time.

Instead of you giving up you pestered him to give you an answer for a full hour.
Eventually kakashi gave up. Knowing you are very persistent when your curiousity got the better of you. But that was one of the things he loved about you.

"Kashi~ please~ I want to know" you gave him your best puppy eyes. Kakashi gave you a sigh and agreed. You jumped up and down with excitement knowing they you won.

"The person how was at the door was your uncle..." Father he said that he say your onec happy face turn into pure hatred.he felt glad you didn't answer the door since you would have probably killed your uncle. Also glad you didn't ask him what he said.

"What did he say?" You look adt kakashi with motionless eyes.Fear struck him he had never seen you With that face befor. He didn't want to answer, but knowing you, you would never let it go. So he decided to tell you a lie, too keep you safe.

'He said... um... her wished you a happy night and um, Daniel would not like to see you anymore.' Kakashi said worried you night not take the lie well.

You looked at him as if to say it was not true. However you brushed it of as if it was nothing, but kakshi knew deep down inside his gut you didn't believe him.

Author note

Long time no see. I'll be back every Wednesday hopefully. To up date. Anyway see ya.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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