13. Found

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TRIGGER WARNING: Rape and sexual assault, torture, and violence.

You woke up in a dark room tied to a chair, with blood dripping down the side of your head. For a split second your vision was impaired, the room was nothing but a blur, not that it mattered because when your vision did clear you couldn't see much anyway. The room was so dark, the only light in the room came from a small lamp on the table.

You struggled in the chair, but the restraints around you were too strong, and your head really hurt. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath hoping when you opened your eyes again this would all be a terrible nightmare but unfortunately when you opened your eyes you were still in the room. Suddenly the door shot open and in walked a bald man, around six foot tall but apart from that you couldn't make out any features because the room was just too dark.

"W-Who are you?" you asked nervously

"That's not important" the man replied in a calm deep voice

"Why am I here?" you asked shakily pulling on your restraints.

"You've been bad and you must be punished" he sneered, turning towards the table at the back of the room

"A-And wh-what exactly have I done?" you asked biting your lip. This time the man didn't reply, instead he picked up a small portable radiator and plugged it in next to you. The only warmth you were getting was from that small radiator, but apart from that the room was freezing. Then the man walked up to the table, picked up a long iron rod and a blow torch, then began to hold the rod infront of the flame for a couple of minutes until the end of the rod began to glow red and orange.

You watched as he slowly approached you, with the glowing end pointed towards you. You shook your head and begged him not to do it, but it was no use. Pain seared through your side as he jabbed the rod into you. You screamed in pain, tears rolled down your face as he removed the rod then jabbed it back into you again. It was so hot it burned through your clothes instantly, you skin sizzled and bled.

"P-Please I-I d-don't know what I-I've done" You sobbed using all your strength to look up at your torturer. Once he was done torturing you, he unplugged the radiator and left the room, leaving you sobbing. Pretty soon after he left the room became freezing again, you shivered violently causing you even more pain.

A couple of hours later the man returned once more, he plugged the radiator in again then back over to his table to chose him next weapon to torture you with.

"P-Please w-we c-can w-work th-this o-out, j-just t-tell, m-me wh-what I-I've d-done" you pleaded but yet again you receive no reply from the unsub. He walked towards you and pressed the blade into you skin, you screamed feeling the blood flow out the wound. The unsub carved a word into your skin then looked up at you and smiled. With one of his bloodied hands he gently cupped your cheeked and smiled.

"So beautiful" he mumbled wiping the salty tears off your face.

"P-Please, I-I t-tell m-me wh-what I-I've d-done" you begged looking into his dark eyes. He shook his head stood up and unplugged the radiator again.

"See you in the morning" he whispered as he walked out the room. Your arm and side stung, your head hurt and your vision blurred once more and slowly you lost consciousness.

The Teams POV...

Spencer finished up his paperwork and walked out the BAU with Emily, he was telling her about his honeymoon when you he noticed his car still parked him the parking lot. Furrowing his brow he stopped talking and walked away.

"Reid where are you going?" Emily called after him, he paused and looked back at her.

"My car's still her, I told Y/n to drive home, and I'd get the train" he explained as she caught up to him.

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